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In the morning Aphrodite woke up feeling sore from her legs remembering what happened she couldn't believe the guy she loved would threatened her so he sleep with her. In front of the mirror she saw the marks he left her running her finger over the marks she felt shame losing her virginity to him although she was his girlfriend he should have respect her when she said no a knock on the door spooked her


"It's me." Ben she was scared a bit but

"Come in." Her guard let's him in and she see he brought her roses as her guard closed the door

"Hello my princess." He walked over an kissed her cheek which made Aphrodite step back a bit

"Hey... Um lovely roses."

"There for you my beautiful a small thank you from yesterday." He placed the roses down and held her but she lightly kept her distance

"Ben you threatened me just so you can do what mark me."

"No no i.... I'm sorry for what i said to you i.... Don't know what got into me but I'm sorry Aphrodite i love you." That made her heart flutter he said that to her but she was still a bit hesitant.

"Anyways love we should get ready since the vks will be coming....."

"Oh Aphrodite." They see her second older sister Cleo walk in Aphrodite smiled going over and hugged her

"Cleo I'm so happy to see you."

"Same here darling sister."

"Cleo hi." Cleo looked at Ben

"Hello Benjamin anyways Aphrodite come with me for some shopping."

"Actually Cleo..."

"I'd love too." Aphrodite cuts ben off

"Lovely Ben do whatever you were gonna do alone come on Aphrodite." Both sisters left Aphrodite felt a bit relief. Cleo and Aphrodite we're having some much fun while getting pampered

"Aphrodite i still can't believe your with that normie."

"Yeah me too."

"Have you taught about leaving him?"

"Leaving Ben?"

"Yes, They're cute monster boys your age who'd die to be your boo." Aphrodite thought of that be nice meet a sweet monster boy that would actually treat her right but then she remembers what Ben said

"Um no I'm really happy being with Ben."

"Oh please ditey, if Ben does something daddy will be more than capable to cut all contacts with the beast family and put a curse on them. Nefera is more than happy to place a curse on Ben which i don't disagree."

"Me either." Aphrodite whispers once she got back to Auradon Audrey her friend was in her room awaiting


"Oh Aphrodite you've returned wow look at the bags."

"Yeah i know anyways what do you need?"

"Well i was showing the vks that came over with Ben when I saw him flirting with the daughter of maleficent."

"Oh." That made Aphrodite a bit happy maybe with that she'd have leverage over Ben.

Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz