An alien crush on my ghoul manstrous

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At a pizza place called Zita's trash fire pizza i walked in with my servents and sat down

"Mommy." One of my servents brought my baby boy which i sat on my lap

"Everything's all set for cheer practice tonight, Captain co captain."

"Great. Thanks, Stacey." I cut a piece for pharaoh who ate it

"Aww pharaoh so cute." Said Bree who smiled while i wipe his mouth clean

"Mommy who's that?" He asked when we screech seeing the alien girl

"Fear. I recognize that emotion." Then sat down

"Oh, great leaders of cheer, I need your help."


"Yeah, of course."

"I have a feeling I cannot define. My palms are sweaty, and it feels like space moths are in my stomach."

"Space flu.'" i looked at Bree confused but shook my head

"I think you have a crush, A-spen."


"No, um, it's when you like-like someone. You know, love."

"I do not know.'

"It's when you connect with someone in a really strong way."

"And desire, somewhat irrationally, to be with them? Yes, that is it."

'Who's the lucky person?"

"A zombie.'

"Oh! Bonzo is so not available."

"Hey, hold my glasses, Addy.'


"I love Zed." Oh my Ra!

"Uncle Zed?" Pharaoh asked confused

"Uh, you love Zed? Uh, A-spen, um, I love Zed."

"Aw. That's so cute."

"We both love Zed. How wonderful."

"Yeah, you can't like her boyfriend."

"One must control who they love?"


"Uh, well, no. You can't control love. But Zed and I are a couple, and we wanna be together for..."


"Well, if he gets into Mountain College then, yeah, forever."

"Or maybe he will not get in, change his mind, and love me when you go away." Ohhh uh that's not direction she wants to pull

"Uh...  Yeah, um, let's talk about this after practice."

"Practice. Sounds fun.'

'Yeah, and we'll show you why the Mighty Shrimp are the best cheerleaders in the galaxy."

Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora