After|| Friends In Low Places

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I woke to a repetitive buzzing against my breast. Thinking I was in some weird state between dreaming and reality, I slapped at my chest until my fingers locked around my phone. Within seconds of holding the solid object in my hand my eyes shot open, and my cry of pain followed soon after.

The light bleeding in from the blinds to my left momentarily blinded me and sent a drill into my temples as I forced myself upright. It was as I sat up that my eyes drifted down to the blue comforter that lay across my lap-definitely not my lavender throw back home. My eyes flickered to my right, and though he wasn't there, the faint scent of his cologne lingering on the blanket beside me was a sure sign he had been. Pressing a hand into the side of my head, I answered the call before the buzzing in my hand could cause more damage.

"Hello." I grumbled.

There was shuffling, then a very enthusiastic chirp of, "Good morning, beautiful."

"Too early, Ash." I groaned, leaning back into the headboard, "Now I remember why I don't drink."

"Babe, you scared the shit out of me last night." Ash snapped, hearing I was coherent enough to listen. "One second you were at the bar and the next you were gone. You wouldn't answer your phone. I was scared."

I frowned, momentarily touching my fingers to the oversized jersey hanging off me. "I'm sorry, Ash. I was wasted."

"I know." she made a clicking sound with her tongue. "Pretty boy bartender texted Jess and she passed it on to Lids who obviously told me you were safe."

"I really am sorry, Ash. I—"

She didn't give me a chance to apologize again. "I know."

"Do you think you can pick me up?"

"I can't, Har." she sounded genuinely apologetic. "Henry called me in last minute cover for Devin. Maybe ask your hot new friend for help?"

I muttered incoherently under my breath, "How are you not hungover?"

"I am." she said with a laugh, the sound of her unlocking her car sounding through the receiver for a minute before she added, "I've just learned what my limit is and I don't have the option to sit and wallow in the pain."

"Mm, I'm going to go raid this kitchen and bathroom for Advil."

"Alright, babe. I love you. Please call me when you're back at the apartment, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, love you too." I made a gesture with my hand despite her not being able to see me and hung up. The moment I stood I had to grasp the bed post and nausea had my stomach churning. I dropped my phone on to the bed and rushed out the open door for the bathroom.

Fortunately, I made it to the toilet before drenching the carpet in the hall in puke, but in doing this, I was oblivious to the shower running until I felt the warmth of the steam coming from the other side of the curtain. There was a quiet sigh, followed by a, "Go ahead and flush, I'm ready."

I obliged and did so before shutting the lid and resting my head against the cold of the porcelain.

"I mean, at least you didn't vomit on my jersey." James commented, shutting the water off. He moved the curtain aside, and though I was twenty-three-year-old women who'd spent four years in a relationship and had been in a few prior, I quickly averted my gaze to the towel he was extending his arm out for. Once he had it in hand, he secured it around his waist and climbed out of the tub, stepping right past me with a smirk playing on the outer corners of his mouth. "You're definitely not looking too good, though."

I thought about flipping him off, but honestly didn't even have the energy for that, and just watched as he fell into a crouch, the towel shifting slightly so that it was open. I avoided looking in the direction until something touched my elbow. He was handing over a packaged toothbrush and a travel size toothpaste in my direction. I took them with a thankful, though very curious look. "Thank you."

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