Twenty eight

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It was now time to sing happy birthday to Tiana so Iyana had her sit in this big chair while everyone else stood around getting ready to record

"Jaheem can you go get the cake I sent don to do it but he hasn't came back yet" Iyana said look over at Jaheem who was busy texting on his phone to hear Iyana

"Heem did you hear me" she raised her eyebrow tapping him the boys been doing this the whole time at the party it was now starting to piss Iyana off

"I'm sorry what you said mama" Heem said quickly putting his phone in his pocket

"I said go get the cake I sent don to go get but he hasn't came back yet" she sighed crossing her arms

"Ight mama I'll be back" he walked out the venue to Iyana car to see Don waiting with Kyro  "yo what's taking so long" he said looking at them and he noticed Kyro nervous

"Man I'm nervous" Kyro said mugging nothing in particular he was frustrated with his self because he never got nervous

"Look theres no reason to be nervous they gone be happy to see you man" Heem said and Kyro nodded grabbing the cake from don

"Aight you start walking through the crowd after we count down"don told him and Kyro nodded they all made their way back in the building Kyro staying back some while heem and don walked back near Khristiana and Iyana

"Okay the cake is coming" heem told Iyana and she nodded

"Okay yall on the count of three we gone sing happy birthday!" She said loud enough for people to hear




"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" everybody sung out loudly while kyro started making his way through the crowd with the cake

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KHRISTIANA" Kyro was getting closer everybody was trying to figure out who was holding the cake

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO YOU" kyro stopped infront of Tiana

"Blow out your candles baby girl" Kyro said putting the cake down on the table that was in front of Tiana.  Khristiana finally noticed who it was and jumped out her seat and ran around the table jumping on her father Iyana and Asaad did the same everybody around them was aweing and recording

"H-how are you here" Khristiana cried letting him go so her siblings can hug him

"Ya pops a free man now baby" and all three of his kissed cheesed hard while crying

"Is that why we couldn't visit you" Iyana asked and he nodded

"Yea they opened my case back up I couldn't have no visitors or phone calls" they all nodded

"So how'd you get here" Asaad asked confused on how he knew about the party and Kyro pointed to Heem and Don and they just smiled

"They came and got me once I was released brought me clothes and to their house to get cleaned up" and Iyana quickly went over to don and heem and hugged them both

"Thank you" she said and they both kissed her forehead

"Anything to see you happy mama"

The party was now over and everybody was now leaving

"Bye mamas I love you" Jeremiah said kissing Tiana

"Bye I love you too stink and thank you for my gifts" he had brought her more gifts

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