Chapter 18: Tweek Tweak (end)

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??? pov (5 years later):

-A bouquet of white tulips? Means pure love, purity, forgiveness and honour. What a good choice, sir.

The cashier looked at her screen before raising her head with a slight smile.

-That'll be 19.99$.

I took the money out of my wallet and put it next to the cash register. The cashier took the money and said goodbye with a big smile. I made my way through the city, still wearing the same scarf around my neck. I walked to a restaurant where I saw Jimmy and Tolkien waving to me from the terrace.

-Dude, it's been a while. What's up?
-Not much, how about you?
-Well, you know I saw Nichole again not long ago? Remember I used to date her in highschool? Well, we decided to get back together.
-That's nice. And you Jimmy?
-Nothing new for me either.

Tolkien's gaze fell on the bouquet of flowers in my hand.

-Are you still stuck with that? You can't bring him flowers every week, you'll ruin yourself.
-He's right. You should m-m-move on and find s-someone.
-I can't, and I don't want to. I don't wanna forget him like that. We never broke up, it would be like cheating on him.

Jimmy and Tolkien looked at me with sad, compassionate eyes. I didn't want to worry them, but even so I couldn't pretend that everything was all right.

-Hi boys!

Wendy moved closer to us, her arms around Stan's arm. She looked so happy, her smile could light up the whole room. She hadn't changed at all, still wearing the same pink beret.

She handed us white cards. We all seemed confused as we each took one. Wendy laughed lightly, putting her hand in front of her mouth.

-Stan and I are getting married. You're one of the first to know.
-There's still Butters, Kenny, Heidi, Red, some parents and Kyle, but he's unreachable after leaving South Park. I think he changed his phone number maybe?
-You're already getting married!? That's fast. By the way, Wendy, you're still best friend with Bebe?
-Yep. We're studying together and share an apartment nearby.
-I need to go guys, sorry.

I told them, and they looked at me sadly after noticing the bouquet of flowers I was holding.

-No problem. Don't forget to rest, you don't look so good.
-Yeah dude. See ya.

I left the terrace and walked quietly along the road putting the white card in my bag. I admired the city, looking carefully at the snow-covered trees that had lost all their leaves due to winter. The Christmas decorations that had been hanging up for a few weeks now. Children running around and having fun, some having snowball fights, others building snowmen. I passed by the gate and continued walking until I stopped in front of a grave now covered by snow. My eyes fell on the writing on the grave. Engraved in black was "Tweek Tweak".

I couldn't control the hot tear that gently trickled from my eye and fell into the snow.

I regretted so many things. I regretted not telling how I honestly felt. I regretted never being able to tell him how much I cared about him. I regretted not telling him how much I loved him after he said that he loved me that day. I regretted never apologizing for the argument we had before his death. I regretted not having been able to protect him that day.

I would have hoped that our two graves would be side by side. I would have hoped that on his, would be written "Tweek Tucker".

-I should've hugged you as hard as I could, the last time I saw you.

I fell to my knees and placed the white tulips on the cold stone.

What he said that day, "Craig, I-I love you. If you can understand that, then let me go...see this person." I couldn't get this sentence out of my head. It kept repeating itself over and over in my head. So much that it sometimes kept me awake for hours. I felt like I was going crazy, but not in a good way.

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