"If you want to know more, be at Borgin and Burkes tomorrow at six o'clock. Not a minute later. He doesn't like being kept waiting." He didn't wait for her to respond, he turned around and walked out.

Maybe it was that easy.


The next day flew by and soon it was five thirty. She was sitting at her vanity fixing her hair. She'd tried on almost everything in her closet, not sure what to wear to meet the Dark Lord. She finally settled on an emerald green sweater and paired it with a black skirt. Even though she was a Gryffindor, the rest of her family were Slytherins, it would be odd for her to wear her house colors around them so most of her closet contained greens, greys, and black.

She pushed her hair back with a headband and fixed her nail polish, it had started chipping so she painted a new layer over it. It was dark grey.

She pulled black ballet flats onto her feet and then stopped at her full length mirror and examined her outfit. It will have to do she decided.

She floo'd into Knockturn Alley and at five fifty eight she walked in. Theodore Nott was waiting at the back in front of a door, "I didn't think you'd actually show." He said to her.

She nodded, "Is He really here?" She asked.

"See for yourself." With that, he pushed the door open, sitting inside was Voldemort himself. Bellatrix Lestrange was to his left and Lucius Malfoy to his right, a cauldron bubbling in front of them.

She walked inside. Was this a bad idea? She heard the door shut behind her and Theodore Nott stepped beside her.

"Here she is, Lord. This is Ellison Avery, the one with the questions." Theodore announced.

The noseless man looked up at her, "I've heard you have some questions for me, is that true?"

She nodded, "Yes, my Lord."

"You have a lot of nerve showing up here, Gryffindor." Bellatrix sneered.

"Bellatrix, don't scare her. She's here, isn't she? She's putting some of that Gryffindor bravery to use." Lucius mumbled.

"Quiet, the both of you! I want to know what she has to ask." Voldemort exclaimed, slamming his hands down onto his chair arms.

She swallowed, "My Lord, I've come to ask you if you have room for me to join on your side?"

Bellatrix's sneer turned into a confused expression as she turned to Lucius. Lucius was side eyeing the Dark Lord, obviously waiting to see what he'd say.

"Why should I let you?" He asked, "What's your reasoning?"

"My mother, she's sick. I believe you knew my grandfather from school, my father as well, he was a Death Eater until he died."

He glanced up at Lucius, "I'm familiar with them. Why should I care that your mother is sick?"

"I- I figured that you probably need someone inside the school to find out what Harry Potter's doing and I'm around him all the time since we're both on Gryffindor, I just wondered if maybe I pledged my allegiance, maybe while I was away someone could make sure my mother is alright. She's gotten worse and I have to leave her to go back to school. I just want to know that she'll be okay." She had her hands clasped together in front of her and was twisting at the ring on her left index finger.

Voldemort scoffed, "So you come here to beg me to help your dying mother? I should say no. There are plenty out there who don't have conditions for wanting to join me in overtaking the Wizarding World. But I'll agree. Not many people would have the courage to come here and ask me to do things for them, so I'll make you a deal. You take the Mark and I'll make sure your house elves have everything they need for her potions and meals starting today. Do you accept?"

Bellatrix frowned, she'd been hoping that she'd get to kill Ellison for wasting their time by coming to ask foolish questions. She hadn't expected the Dark Lord to accept the stupid girls terms.

Lucius, however, thought the girl was bold. They wouldn't have much use for her but someone who could spy on Potter would be helpful. He could see why she had been put into Gryffindor instead of Slytherin, she was about as reckless at the stupid Gryffindors were.

She nodded, "Yes, my Lord."

Bellatrix scoffed, "But my Lord, we could easily just kill her and her mother. Why waste time taking care of that useless family? Draco could spy on Potter. We don't need her."

"Quiet, Bellatrix! Is Draco in Gryffindor? Has Draco even taken the Mark? Don't you think Potter would be suspicious if Draco started following him everywhere? You will not speak against me ever again or I'll have your tongue, then I won't have to worry about your protesting because you won't ever speak again." He yelled.

Bellatrix nodded, "Yes, I'm sorry, my Lord."

Voldemort looked back to Ellison, "Come here, child." He motioned her forward.

She stepped forward, stopping in front of the cauldron. "Put your arm over it." Lucius explained, looking down at the cauldron.

She placed her left arm over the bubbling green flames. It was hot on the back of her arm. Voldemort pressed his wand to her inner forearm. She watched as black ink began to appear onto her arm, creating the image of the Dark Mark.

Her arm felt like it was on fire, but she didn't flinch or show any signs of pain. She didn't want to be deemed weak.

When it was done, He looked up at her, "I don't need you right now. It will burn when I call upon you."

authors note:
to be completely honest, i don't know
how accurate that was for how you
get a dark mark. but it's canon in
the theonotts cinematic universe now

the trailer for this book is on @theonotts.wp on tiktok if anyone wants to watch it, i think it's pretty great.....

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