Hormonal, sad, and eternally confused.

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Ares grip on my arm loosened as I was quite literally thrown out of the car. Newtons first law proved to be true when an object in motion (me) stayed in motion (falling forward and nearly eating shit), unless disrupted by an outside force (not eating shit and instead taking out Percy like a linebacker). 

My face heated up at the touch, Aphrodite's words ringing in my head over and over again. We both muttered an awkward "sorry" as I got up off of him and he stood up. 

"You better watch it, punk," Area growled at Percy. "You are making some enemies in places that you shouldn't." I shoot him a confused look but he is refusing to look at me. 

What did she tell him? Wait. What if it was about Annabeth? What if I made it obvious that I had my itty, bitty, tiny, little, minuscule crush on Percy. Or  what if Aphrodite told him and he doesn't feel the same way? 

Because of Annabeth! I should've known. That is why he came on the quest and did everything he has! Who am I kidding? They have had a longer, more meaningful past. Between going on their first AND second quest together, being close friends for like two years, and her being the prettiest and smartest person in every room she enters? Of course he likes her and... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

"You," Ares said to me, breaking me out of the extensive spiral I was going down. "Good luck. I'm sure your dad will let you off easy." If his kind words weren't shocking enough, he reached out to shake my hand. I took it hesitantly and gave it a shake before he disappeared in the Limo and sped off. 

"What was that about?" Percy asked. I continued to look off into the distance where the limp went so I didn't have to look at the stupid, hormonal boy I just went down a deep spiral about. 

"Oh, you know, people just love me," I laughed, feeling awkward just being in his presence. 

"No, I don't!" Percy yelled quickly. I turned to look at him and I can see his face bright red under the moonlight. 

"What?" Should I be offended?

"I mean, not that you aren't lovable! You are very lovable! But I don't love you! Did someone say something? Oh, not that I don't like you! You are awesome, super, pretty, and- I mean, not pretty like I am in love with you, but-"

"Percy?" Grover said, interrupting his rant. Thank god for that because I wan getting a headache as well as a shit ton of mixed messages. 

"Grover!" Percy yelled. "My best friend! Do you know that you are the best! I love you so much!" Percy pulled Grover into a hug and I think he whispered something into Grover's ear because Grover's eyes went wide, then he started laughing, then he pulled away from Percy and punched his shoulder. 

"Uh . . ." Thalia said, rejoining us. "Are they okay?" 

"I . . . I have absolutely no clue. Percy just said I wasn't lovable, then I was lovable, then pretty, but not in the I love you way, and I am so lost." Then Thalia joined Grover in laughing. "Thalia! Why are you laughing!"

"Oh, this is good. This is really good," Thalia practically cries. "Who- who was in the van?" She barely got out between laughs. 

"Aphrodite," I answered and Thalia was doubled over, falling on the floor, and crying laughing. "What is it, Thals!"

Thalia grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. "I can't wait for you to figure this out because this is straight out of some bad fan fiction."

I pulled away from Thalia and grabbed her face. "Tell me."

Thalia grabbed my face in return. "No. I can't out Jackson like that. I also think that if you can't put 2 and 2 together- actually, scratch that. If you can't put the square in a square shaped hole on one of those baby toys, you don't deserve to know." 

Her face is turning purple and there are literal tears streaming down her face from how hard she is laughing.

I pushed Thalia off of me, letting her stumble away. I turned to where Percy was, only to catch him already looking at me. His eyes go wide and his face turning a deeper shade of red. His gaze on me made MY face red as well so now we are just standing here like two tomatoes while Grover and Thalia laugh. 

What is going on?

"Are you okay?" I asked instead of asking what I wanted to ask. 

What did I want to ask? Oh, nothing. I just wanted to maybe ask what was said to the goddess of love that made him act like that around me. In translation, what I wanted out of his answer was whether or not he like Annabeth! 



Why do I care?

None of my thoughts are making sense. 

It's like my brain was put in a blender at high.

I don't think my sentences are coherent. 

Wow, it is really helping taking my thoughts slowly.


I got off track.

I asked why do I care.

Because I shouldn't.

Because I'm gonna die.

I don't have time to waste on a little crush.

Why am I giving this any thought?

Why am I caring about what a gross, weird boy thinks about me?

Or who he likes?

Because Annabeth is gonna be around longer than me.

I should support him. 

I should tell him he should go for her.

Then die miserable. 

Why would I be miserable?

It's just a tiny crush. 

Definitely not more. 

"Em?" Percy said, suddenly way closer and shaking my shoulders, snapping me out of my daze. "You spaced out for like a minute straight."

"Oh, sorry." He smiled at me a sheepish smile. WHY ARE WE LIKE THIS RIGHT NOW!!! I blame a certain goddess of love who is trying to ruin the rest of my short life with awkwardness.

Note to self: don't decide to break up your thoughts while creepily staring at someone.

Because that is creepy.

"Sorry, I have a lot only mind," I told him. "You know, with the whole saving Annabeth thing." His smile dropped a bit.

Probably shouldn't have brought up how his crush is in mortal danger right now.

"Yeah, I get it. Don't worry though, we will get her back."He turned away and joined Grover and Thalia a bit away who were laughing even harder than before (I DON'T KNOW HOW THAT IS EVEN POSSIBLE BECAUSE THALIA'S PUNK ROCK EYELINER WAS STREAMING DOWN HER FACE).

Oh, how I love being a teenager. Hormonal, sad, and eternally confused.

A/N I am so sick right now. My brain isn't working so I wrote a chapter where Emelia's brain isn't as well. Yay.

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