Until Death Do We Part (Rin and Yukio)

Start from the beginning

Shiro couldn't stand her! 

Until one day, he realized he was deeply in love.

He tried to ignore his feelings, but Yuri got older and became quite the hottie. She was also talented, intelligent and cared for him.

 Unfortunately, Mephisto noticed too, and Shiro hated him for it. 

Out of all the women in the world, why couldn't Mephisto leave this one alone?

The demon always did that crap, threw beautiful women at his feet. It was part of the bargain he struck those years ago. Shiro would kill any demon for Mephisto; in return, he'd get great sex with mega babes. 

 But Yuri was too good for him, not some harlot from the True Cross Cantina. She deserved a good man. Of course, Shiro wanted her, but he loved her more.  And with that love came respect. He hoped she'd escape the order, live a normal life and find happiness.

Sadly, it didn't happen.

Ultimately, she found herself in a love triangle between Satan, Mephisto and himself.  She became the object of affection for a trio of heartless creatures. 

It was true; Shiro had been no better than a demon. Now he was left behind without her love and two orphaned infants. 

He slid open a paper screen and entered the inner sanctum of the Myoo Dhahran sect. An organization of monks that were well-known exorcists. Mephisto had been a founding member of the clan, gifting them special weapons to kill demons. He did have his supporters. Better to have him on your side than not.

Shiro plunked the babies down in a basket on the table. He leaned back into his chair and lit up a cigarette.

"You can't smoke around children," Tatsuma grumbled, entering the room. "That's parenting 101."

"Yeah, well. I'm not a parent." Shiro laughed. "I'm an exorcist guarding a couple of baby demons."

The monk snatched the cigarette from Shiro's lips and crushed it beneath his foot.

"Today, you become a father," Tatsuma announced. "And turn over a new leaf."

"Oh yeah? And you're going to teach me?"

"I suppose I will. I'm a father." Tatsuma regarded him seriously. "I'm also guessing you don't have any lady friends to ask for advice?" 

"Nope." Shiro sighed painfully. "I've been a real fuck to women. It's my own fault. None that I know would waste their time."

"I see." Tatsuma took a long sip of his tea. "So, I'm all you have?"

"Well, just you and that meddling clown."

"Where is Sir Pheles, anyway? I thought he would be joining us?"

"He's still figuring out how to get in here." Shiro grinned with wickedness. "I picked a room without doors for a reason."

 As if on cue, the corner tansu cabinet creaked open. 

"Oh, for fuck sake," Mephisto whispered under his breath, unfurling his long legs from the narrow shelf.  "Shiro, you make my life very difficult."

"Oh, look." Shiro chuckled mockingly. "It's the great Houdini."

"First, you call me clown, followed by a dead magician." The demon hissed. "I should smite you right where you stand. Where is the respect? I am your boss!!"

Mephisto narrowed his large green eyes petulantly. He straightened his tall, rail-thin body into a standing position, reminding Shiro of a preening flamingo in his pink stockings. The demon sashayed across the room in high-heeled boots and puffy theatrical bloomers. He plunked down into a chair, regarding the table before him like a small disappointed child.

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