Until Death Do We Part (Rin and Yukio)

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 December 2007

Shiro was deathly still, a wounded soldier sinking into the powdery, crimson-smeared snow. 

The only sound was the swirl of wind, like spirits whispering from the heavens. Her musical laughter was gone...

Tears soaked his face, freezing into tiny rivulets.  Maybe it wasn't too late; maybe he could die like a demon king? Let the life drain from his body and become one with the mountainside. He could leave Assiah and maybe find her...

Shiro closed his eyes, willing his warmth to dissipate into the winter's chill.  They could still be together in a life beyond this one. All he had to do was sleep and be covered by a death shroud of snow. Yes, it would happen so fast.

Off in the distance, a soft mewling sound caused the Paladin to stir.  Cracking open a tired eye, the world of the living focused back into reality, bringing with it-- excruciating pain.

"Fuck..."  Shiro cursed in despair. He'd forgotten all about them, that horrible burden Yuri was forced to carry.

At least, Shiro mused with sadness; Yuri was finally free. Free from Satan's obsession, the Order, Mephisto's meddling, and his own hatred and bitterness.

It took all the effort he could muster, but Shiro willed his broken and bruised body to a standing position. He made his way to the small bundle of dirty rags and lifted two infants into the crook of his arm.

 He studied them closely. Their tiny puckered faces did not resemble the offspring of a demon, but instead, they looked like her. His Yuri.

The human one cooed softly and had her freckles, the other white-haired one, her long feather-like lashes. Both were fragments of Yuri...fragments still very much alive.

Shiro stuck his large finger into the bundle and caressed a tiny hand. The white-haired baby grasped him tightly and wouldn't let go. 

"She called you Rin." He murmured with a wry smile twisting his lip. "You're gonna be trouble, sure as shit. I'm going to regret this."

It was at that moment that Shiro decided.

There was no way in hell he would let anything bad happen to these two.

He owed it to Yuri. He'd take on her burden. 

She deserved to be free, 

But it wasn't Shiro's time to die. His death, after all, was decided by Mephisto.



Shiro had no experience raising demonic children, or any children for that matter. He had been a trained exorcist, an assassin working exclusively for the Demon King, Mephisto Pheles. 

Sir Pheles was the Director of the Japan Branch of the Vatican and ran an exorcist academy. Surprisingly, he fought against his own kind to protect humans and had done so for hundreds of years. Yet, despite his service, he was never quite trusted by anyone. Demons, by nature, sought to corrupt humans for their own personal gain. According to the rules, Mephisto was no different than any other creature from Gehenna.

  Shiro supposed Mephisto was the closest thing to a friend he'd ever had. The demon had saved him from an early death, giving him a chance to experience the pleasures of life. And Shiro had partaken greedily, spending Mephisto's wealth, having lurid affairs and gaining power within the Vatican. 

That all changed when Yuri came along. This sweet, kind-hearted cherub girl followed him around like an orphaned kitten. She even had a soft spot for demons and was, by all accounts, a total wack-job. 

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