Chapter twenty eight 🥀

Start from the beginning

Jungkook curiosity builds up with sadness and asked from other , whom waring his jacket to go for his work .

" yeah , but Jungkook can't you remember today I can't use my bike , because it's in garage so I should catch up the train..

Do you need anything..? " before he leaves Turn again and asked from whom pouting to the Dosan .

" here we go again kookie ,

Don't worry I'll come quickly soon as possible .."
Dosan bend to other baby bump and rubbed it lovingly before leaving the house.

" don't make your muma cry okay ... booba ball .. "
he said to unborn baby whom lives inside Jungkook tummy , but from the moment Jungkook giggled loudly for other silly words.

This moment kind a blissful for Dosan .

" okay .. okay ... hyung

Now go for your work it's already late to you .."
Jungkook pushed other from the house and closed door while he leans back on it , but he doesn't know from the outside Dosan also did the same thing.

After Namjoon and Jin's arrived Jungkook decided to move out from the orphanage to the Seoul again but not near to where Taehyung lives ,

And even Dosan is Jungkook's childhood friend and he is having feelings for Jungkook, but he doesn't want to leave Jungkook at this time because he loves him so much and even he thinks Jungkook feelings will be change in future and live with him .

But Jungkook still loves with Taehyung, whom was betrayed to him , whom took revenge by mistake , whom told to leave him and whom left him alone in the middle of whole world after gave something to lives in Taehyung's world within combined  him until to his death.

Jungkook head constantly hits on the door and moves away to his room for get some rest for his tired eyes.


During the evening hours Jungkook doesn't have much work to do in house and even during these days he again try to involve with new business and try to learn something, because he knew if he stay with Dosan after his child birth definitely it would be affect for Dosan reputation and even when child grow up little bit he will be call him out as his father.

Jungkook doesn't want to affect those things Dosan , because his matters only can solve by himself or Taehyung.

Now he's walking around the park and staring to children whom play with their parents and siblings lovingly.

Jungkook felt lonely at this point , because he never came to the park alone when he lives with Dosan , but today he decided to get some fresh air without other person help.

Jungkook's eyes traveled to some beautiful couple whom holding each other hands tightly and smiling together for the silly things ,

Jungkook remembered his early day with Taehyung, he realized his eyes get wetted by tears and even Jungkook doesn't want to whipped up them , because he felt really good for bursting into tears at this alone time .

That's why Jungkook cried lot more than during those two months .

" we miss you Tae ..... "
jungkook thought it inside his mind and whipped his nose from his hoodie sleeves and scrunched his nose cutely while sniffing here and there .

" I hate you ...."

" to whom ? "
Jungkook whole own bubble mumbling world stop when some person stands infront of him while giving other tissues to whip his nose.

" Thank you for this .."

" what are you doing here gorgeous boy...

Are you lost or something...?"

Unknown person made Jungkook looked at him with many curious thoughts holding inside his eyes , but they dropped when unknown man removed his sunglasses from his eyes .

They are same color, but holding different stories behind them as well those eyes can hide any ugly things pretty well,

" who are you ..? "
Unintentionally Jungkook uneasiness question asked from other , but that unknown man softly replied for it by little smile and sit near to other while directly looking into other doe eyes and gave a hand shake .

" sorry I'm ....

          Kim  Mick .... "

" oh don't you want to give handshake, okay then I think you aren't comfortable for it ,

So shall we talk about what you were lately
said , when i here.. "

" I don't want to talk it with someone.. "
jungkook angrily puff his cheeks childishly and scrunched up his nose , showing to other don't ask it again,

" you know boy .. I don't know you , but you can hate any person in this world, if you are having reason for it or not ,

But just remember one thing ,

you are also involved with that hated human once in your lifetime lovely or evil in the past ..."

Mick while looking at children playing sight and said to other , but that encourages word made Jungkook's eyes again fill up with heated tears .

" do you know exactly what happen to me or what did I earn from it ..?

Do you know unknown man ..? "

Jungkook asked from Mick , but he didn't respond back for him . Just started to whom play in the ground .

" I falls in love with someone and I thought no its not thought I believed he will never hurt me as my parents or whom bullied me in school...

But I only got ten seconds for that's all it take
To think completely change everything about that person and even fifteen minutes goes to him completely destroying my everything  whom I gave to chance hold me entire life ..

Then do you think I would forgive him or fell in love with him again because of his last gift ..

Then he should prove himself for forgiveness and even beg for it again and again even I lost my life in this moment he should come back to my future life and beg for it .. "

While jungkook wailing loudly said to other .

" then take you revenge from him boy ...

Take what exactly you want ....

I'll help you for it ... but you have to do something for as a thanking to me ..."

Mick seriously said to other and flipped his head to see other reacts clearly,

" what .......? "


Do you guys need to someone else die in this story 👀?

Until next chapter stay safe 💚💜

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