Fresh Meat

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*A bell rings 3 times*

"Order up!"

It's day number 341 working in her dad's restaurant, The Grease Spot, but Sarah still can't seem to shake this eerie feeling she's been having coupled by unexplainable auguries in both her waking and unconscious dreams. They tell of despair and agonizing pain all of which she feels. Due to this she often awakes in a cold sweat in her lowly one bedroom apartment in LaClear City. Her father, Mkhai, is vastly endowed with wealth due to his years as a police chief and in his retirement, but after graduation Sarah had a desire to venture and discover on her own even after her father advises her not to. She's not struggling, but she's not at the top of her game either.

Sarah had many jobs and internships, but she just couldn't stick to them because her mother's memory always flooded her mind. Sarah's mother, Shauna, was a nurse at LaClear Pointe Medical Center, but had a fatal car accident, 15 years prior,in which her body was unrecognizably mutilated.

Sarah remembers that day...

*Ding* *Ding*

"Order Up!"

"Again!" Says Johnson, the main chef at The Grease Spot and sort of mentor to young Sarah.

"It seems like I literally just served up some grub to this man!" Sarah exclaims.

"I'm clearly having déjà vu JonJon" (She calls him this for short)

"Now Sarah, that man doesn't trouble anybody, nor does he give you a hard time, he may eat like he's been out in the Sahara for 11 years, 16 hours, 35 min and 27 seconds, but he's a nice guy, I swear! You just gotta get to know people." Johnson reassures her.

Sarah makes her way over to where this particular customer is eating and brings a fresh plate of medium rare grilled steak, sautéed mushrooms, and well-seasoned fries. With sweat rolling down his face like a tire down a steep 40-year old hill, the customer drools at the sight of his new meal. He then pulls out a $5 bill, shoves it in Sarah's back pocket while firmly cupping her right buttock, winks and shoos her away. She scoffs and returns to the counter to engage with Belinda, a fellow waitress and friend of Sarah.

"Be-Be girllll, did you see what John Doe over there just did to me?!" Sarah asks in a feminine way.

"Girl, you wanna hear about what old scrumptious John Doe did with and to me?" Belinda hastily replies.

"Oh God!" Sarah screams as she walks away.

"Child, I swear to you that man may be big in stature, but I promise you that he's big everywhere else too, talk about a big and mean stretch limousine! It's like all he ate all his life was meat, I mean even as a baby! There's no way he coulda naturally grown that, unless he was taking some pills or-"

Belinda, born and raised in a more rural area of LaClear Pointe, thought it rude that Sarah had drifted off into a daze and completely blocked out Belinda's southern accent.




"Huh" Sarah retorts, snapping out of her daze.

"What the shit is going on with you? You seen a ghost or somethin'?" Belinda asks.

"No, I'm just thinking" says Sarah

They're now standing in the kitchen, Sarah leaned on to a counter and Belinda adjacent to her eyeing a particular vegetable on the chopping board..

"Hey Sarah, maybe you haven't had it in so long that you've forgotten what it feels like." Belinda says looking at the orange prickly vegetable. 

"Had what?" Sarah asks confusingly.

"Five letters, S-E- Triple X! Steaming hot, moaning and passionate love making." Belinda replies with several moans, Sarah notices her eyeing of the half-chopped carrot.

"Go ahead and do it Sarah." Belinda nudges with her words. She then walks over, picks up and hands the carrot to Sarah and dares her to pleasure herself. Sarah, seeing it as nothing more than assurance of her fortitude and ample sex life, does so, but she soon wishes that she didn't..

As soon as Sarah inserts the carrot inside of herself, it triggers a sudden and intense flashback to when she was younger, running through a field being chased by a white figure, she then freaks and the carrot flies onto the chef's pan which is currently being treated by the heat of the brand new stove, which is then served in the next meal to the next customer and consumed.. Sarah is having a breakdown, screaming and crying and is escorted out by Belinda whom calls Mkhai and tells him there's been an incident with Sarah. No specifics, just "an incident" and requests to take her home.

He grants it.

Sarah is taken home, stumbling up the stairs, mixed with sobs of despair. She goes into her apartment and Belinda ashamedly asks if there's anything more that she can do, Sarah neglects to reply and Belinda exits.

Sarah then derobes and immediately falls into a deep slumber..

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