My head hurt the moment I had gain consciousness. I didn't open my eyes yet, seeing as I was still trying to remember what happened

Oh yeah, I was about to shoot another quaffle when someone had kicked my abdomen and a bludger hitting my head before slipping and falling unconscious from my broom

A great match that one, definitely unforgettable. I wanted to get up but I was far too weak, and it felt like someone was holding my hand

I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted to the light of the room, the first thing I saw was a familiar platinum hair. I couldn't see clearly as my eyes were still adapting to the light

I look around and I was in the hospital wing, and my head felt like it was going to explode any minute from now.

I turned brought my gaze back to the person I vaguely saw and it was none other than Draco. But he looked elsewhere as if in a trance

I squeezed his hand in attempt to let him know I have awaken but failed

"Me manque déjà, mon amour" I manage to say but my voice husky, he finally notice though

T : Miss me already, love?

"How are you feeling?" he smiled, he was a sight to stop for. Draco didn't smile often, and if he did it was probably in a mock or sarcasm, that's why I always take a minute to look when he genuinely does

"Fantastic, my head feels like it's been hammered down" I laugh

"You're being sarcastic, y/n" he rolled his eyes, what a cutie.

"Hey. I'm okay, look at me" I smile reassuringly, stroking his cheek

"You gave us a scare, we thought you reached your last day" he said, leaning into my touch

"I'm not even half way to graduating, I ain't dying just because of some game" I retort

"What actually happened there? Your scream was horrid. Like someone got murdered" he says pulling away and took my hand to hold instead

"Well I was about to shoot another quaffle when someone had kick me in the abdomen. More likely into my ribs and probably had broken it. And to top it off, a bludger had come in contact with my head. So in response I screamed and the last thing I remember was drifting into a void of darkness" I say looking up the ceiling

"Did you see the face of the player?" he asked once more

"No, I was flying in all speed and someone just kicked me from the side. Probably had awaited for me to fly by"

"We'll find out who, and I'll make sure they'll be expelled" he said trying sound calm, but anger was evident in his tone

"It's okay, I should've been careful anyway. And kept in mind these matches were played brutally" I say trying to calm him as I brushed a strand of hair off his eye

"You could've died for all we've known y/n. You lost so much blood earlier, your skull was almost cracked open" he huffed in frustration, frowning as he looked at me

"I know, but I'm still alive. I'm talking to you, Draco." I say trying to sit up but ended up moaning in pain instead

"What are you doing? You should lay down!" he scolded but helped me up anyway, placing the pillow rightfully to support my back

"You know why I had pushed you away for days, Draco?" I started while he asked why shortly

"A few nights ago, I was getting curious on why Pansy always cuts in our conversation every time she could. So I asked her if she fancied you, and she said yes" I stopped for a bit, observing his reaction or if he had wanted to say anything, but just nodded his head for me to continue

"And that night when we had worked on the potion, it had only been clear to me that I care about you differently than others"

"....and it happened, I didn't mean to let those words slip. It had a mind of it's own" I was getting hot in embarrassment as second passed by and didn't dare to look up

"Yeah,yeah you love me and then what?" he said arrogantly and smirked, he was sitting crossed leg and so were his arms while he leaned into the chair

"I didn't say I loved you Draco" I rolled my eyes at the blonde smug-looking boy beside me

He hummed teasingly but motioned me to continue anyway

"I just felt obliged to distance myself, It was wrong of me to like someone who my bestfriend liked and openly spoke about it" I finished and turned my head to face the bed in front of me

"....are you telling me to stay away from you Y/n?" he asked in a quiet tone

I didn't answer and just looked anywhere else than his eyes. I knew I wouldn't be able to face those blue eyes of his getting clouded by sadness. I hated to see Draco upset. How much more if his eyes were projecting hurt.

"Answer me" his voice cracking and getting inaudible, I knew the moment I meet his eyes, I wouldn't be able to look away

I slowly turned my head and looked at the boy who sat in same chair for some time now. His face buried in his hands

I couldn't bear to watch the boy I loved upset in front of me, it cast a gloom in me to see him like this

Maybe one last touch wouldn't hurt right? Unable to watch him sulk any longer, I took his hands in mine and it revealed his downhearted eyes

"Come" I smiled sadly and scooted a bit to give him space to lay beside me. And he did as told, instantly coming to arms and engulfed me into a tight hug

We didn't speak. Both of us didn't have anything to say, and just sat in silence as I held him close

He looked so fragile right now, as if he'd break any moment if I let him go. This was probably the first in a long time he had let his emotions show. And I didn't mind, I just wanted to hold him forever.

WORD COUNT : 1,055

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