Y/n's POV

"Amour, vous avez du courrier!" Mom shouted from downstairs, how important of a mail was it to be opened in 6:30 in the morning

T : Love, you have mail!

I grumbled, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. Trying to adjust to the sunlight coming from my big window.

I got ready for the day and ran downstairs to see Mother and Father beaming

"You got your letter!" Mom squealed, embracing me the second I got close

“Quelle lettre ? J’espère que c’est important, vous venez de me réveiller tôt pour lire ceci” I whined, as I tore the seal open

T : What letter? I hope this is important, you just woke me up early to read this

“Ce n’est pas juste une lettre, ma chérie! C’est votre lettre d’acceptation de Poudlard” Dad smiled, I returned one and proceeded to read

T : That's not just a letter, sweetheart! That's your acceptance letter from Hogwarts!

It was infact my invitation to Hogwarts.

“Où pourrait-on trouver tout cela? Je ne pense pas que nous aurions des baguettes et des caudrons ici à Londres” I say, continuing to read down with the things I needed for the school year

T : Where could we find all this? I don't think we would have wands and caudrons here in London.

“Vous verrez, nous achèterons vos fournitures scolaires plus tard. Ainsi, vous pouvez organiser vos affaires pour votre départ demain” Mom said as she placed put some bacon on our plates

T : You'll see, we'll buy your school supplies later. So you can organize your belongings for your departure tomorrow.

“Tu vas adorer ton expérience ici, chérie” Dad added and smiled

T : You'll love your experience here, love

“Et si je ne le fais pas?” I placed the letter down, pouring myself orange juice

T :What if I don't?

“Eh bien, c’est votre déclaration contre notre amour” he said, as we all sat down and ate

T :Well, this is your statement against ours love

“Pensez-vous que tout ira bien?”

T : Do you think I will be okay?

“Tu seras super chérie, nous sommes fiers de t’avoir” Mom smiled assuringly

T : You'll be great darling, we're proud to have you

“Il y a aussi d’autres écoles qui vous ont envoyé des lettres, de l’amour. N’oubliez pas que, quel que soit votre choix, nous serons toujours fiers.” Mom placed more letters on my side

T : There are also other schools that have sent you letters, love. Remember, whatever you choose, we will always be proud.

There was quite a few, I saw one from Beauxbatons, Ilvermorny and more. But I think I already know where I'll be.

“Vous devez cependant vous dépêcher de cueillir, nous devons partir tôt demain, afin que vous puissiez arriver à l’heure à l’école que vous choisirez.” Dad pipped in, buttering a toast

T : You have to hurry in picking though, we have to leave early tomorrow, so you can arrive on time at the school you choose

“Demain? Je pars à l’école demain ?!” I shriek in shock, I just unpacked and now I have to again

T : Tomorrow? I'm going to leave for school tomorrow?!

“Ta mère vient de le dire il y a quelques minutes” Dad laughed

T : Your mother, just said so a few minutes ago


diagon alley

It was 1:30 in the afternoon, Father, Mother and I were strolling the streets of what they called, diagon alley

Where they also claim I'd find everything I need, which was proven to be true as I set foot on the concrete pavement.

Everything was there, from robes, bookshop, equipment and so on.

I've decided to get robes first, and the whole process was nothing like the usual way I'd get my robes done in France

It was all quick, the first few minutes
I was just getting measured then the next I was handed my robes

After a few more stops, such as the bookshop and equipment, Mom, Dad and I decided to take a break and get ice cream from this place called ; Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour

All of the flavours there were quite interesting, and most of them weren't served in the normal world.

But in the end, I chose a classic cookies and cream. Nothing could go wrong with a creamy vanilla-cookie filled soft serve

It didn't take long everyone was all back to their feets, more energetic than before.

There were two last shops I haven't gone to yet, and that was the Magical Menagerie, a pet shop and Ollivanders

I have decided I would get my wand first, while Mom and Dad wandered off somewhere but promised to be back in a few minutes.

As soon as I entered the shop, I saw endless stacks of wands. Even more in the back, I thought no one was there. Not until a old, frizzy haired man appeared behind one of the shelves.

“At last, I have met you Y/n. I have wondered when you'd arrive. ” he greeted, I just smiled, I didn't understand most of the sentence

“Idiot, vous ne comprenez probablement pas ce que je dis. J’ai dit, je me suis demandé quand vous étiez arrivée Mme Èiendrè” he smiled and started looking in the shelves

T : Silly me, you probably don't understand what I'm saying. I said, I have wondered when you'd arrived Ms. Èiendrè

“Essayez celui-ci, 13 pouces, bois de chêne avec poils de licorne, donnez-lui un coup” he said, coming back shortly, handing me a wand

T : Try this one, 13 inches, oak wood with unicorn hair, give it a flick

I gave it a small flick, making a shelf crash, I put it back immediately

“Certainement pas, maintenant je me demande....” he mumbles, and came back with another wand a second later

T : Definitely not, now I wonder....

“Essayez celui-ci cher, c’est un compagnon d’une autre baguette et le seul. 14 pouces, bois d’aubépine, noyau de phénix”

T : Try this one dear, this is a mate of another wand and the only one. 14 inches, hawthorn wood , phoenix core

I was a bit hesitant at first then gave it a flick, a bright light surrounded me

“Difficult, stubborn but loyal. Just like the other pair of that wand, Ms. Èiendrè” Ollivander smiled and packed the wand securely with it's box

I understood slightly, so I asked

“À qui appartenait l’autre paire de cette baguette?”

T : Who owned the other pair of this wand

“Well, both of your wand's came from the same hawthorn tree. That lived and survived the longest out of all and it being the last. Both of your cores also compliment each other, once both come as one, will be unstoppable and inseparable.” he probably have dodge my question based on how he answered, and there was no description of a owner at all. But then, It was getting late, so I just paid, smiled and bid farewell.

WORD COUNT : 1,087

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