Heartbroken! Depressed! Rias Gremory 🥀 (Angst / Fluff) [Pt.1]

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Rias Gremory was heartbroken because Issei Hyoudou didn't love her. She knew that was a possibility but it still hurt. She could have sworn that he loved her. He fought Riser because he believed that she had the right to choose. She couldn't blame Issei for not loving her. She was just glad that he was happy with another girl. She sighed as she sat at her desk. Akeno frowned as she watched her best friend/king barely touch her cup of tea. Rias worked diligently and Akeno stood up. She left and Rias looked up and she noticed she was alone. She frowned as her queen normally helped her with her work. Akeno walked up to a brown haired girl. She tapped on her shoulder after waving at Vali Lucifer. The silver haired devil frowned at the fallen angel. "Lady Serenity." Serenity turned around and smiled at Akeno who smiled back softly.

"What is it, Akeno? And I thought I told everyone to call me Serenity or by my last name if you want to be formal." Serenity frowned at the nickname. She felt Vali kiss the side of her head and he went to talk to Azazel who was waving for his attention. Serenity sighed softly as his warmth disappeared from her side. She unconsciously moved closer to Akeno who noticed.

"Can you come talk to Rias? She's acting strange and I'm worried that she's not eating properly." Akeno was worried and Serenity could smell the stress coming off her in waves.

"Have you tried getting Issei to talk to her?" Serenity hummed as she noticed Kuroka and Koneko bounding up to her.

"That's the problem. Her and Issei talked alone and she's been like this ever since."

"Darling." Kuroka pouted.

"You may go out and eat with your sister if you want. Just don't get into trouble. I don't need to bail you out of jail again Kuroka." Serenity hissed at the black haired woman. Kuroka pouted and Serenity put a hand on her hip. "Koneko, try to keep your sister out of trouble please."

"I will, Fujakante-sama." Koneko saluted as she pulled her sister away from the duo. Serenity turned to Akeno who was waiting patiently.

"Alright take me to Rias then." Serenity sighed as the fallen angel dragged her towards the old school house. Serenity walked in and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Rias spoke from inside and Serenity opened the door. Rias looked up from her work and her eyes widened at Serenity. The hybrid let her fox ears and tail out and she sighed as she undid the corset around her waist.

"So much better."

"Lady Fujakante." Rias looked at her and she watched Serenity sit down. "I'm surprised that the White Dragon Emperor isn't with you."

"Azazel wants to spend time with him. A boys night out is what Vali said." Serenity crossed her arms. "I'm more worried that the gay ass old crow will get him drunk again." Rias chuckled softly.

"Apparently it's just them playing games. He asked for my knight and pawn. He also asked for Saiji."

"I see. Vali can't handle his alcohol well and is rather open with his feelings. Knowing Azazel he'll coax out details about our sex life. Hell, I think even Issel will try." Serenity noticed Rias tense and she hummed.

"I see. I have work to do." Rias went back to working and Serenity understood what happened.

"You confessed to Issei, didn't you?" Serenity asked Rias who nodded at her question. "He rejected you." Serenity stood up from the couch and grabbed Rias by her arm. She pulled her up and dragged the protesting redhead out of the club room. "C'mon. Sitting around all day isn't going to help at all." Her fox ears and tails disappeared.

"I have work I need to do!" Rias protested.

"We're going out to eat!" Serenity hummed as she dragged Rias further into Kuoh. Rias sighed and walked along with her.

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