A Second With You Feels Like Eternity

355 19 97

It's time


Bomb stared at OJ as he got up from the ground.

"I'm sorry."

He felt a mixture of emotions swirling in his stomach. Bomb didn't know what to say. He was happy that they were talking again but, it felt strained. Bomb tried to speak but the words refused to go past his lips.

"I-I-I... uhm..."

Bomb stared at the ground. It was frustrating. Bomb hated that about himself. Whenever he tries to speak, it never comes out right because of his stutter and the stares he gets right after. It felt awful. Then Bomb felt hands holding his and looked up to see OJ gently holding his hands. Whenever Bomb got frustrated, he would hold his hands carefully and patiently waited for him to collect his words. He blushed a bit as OJ softly smiled at him.

"You don't have to say anything Bomb. I was in the wrong afterall."

Bomb stared at OJ as he continued, "I shouldn't have ever that I was smarter than you because I'm not. I'm clueless about everything I do. I don't know how to do anything without someone telling me what to do. But I try to hide it though because I didn't want to let anyone down. And I let those insecurities ruin the relationships around me. I let it hurt the ones who mean the most to me..." He hesitated.

"I hurt you."

Bomb felt the OJ's hand tighten around his hands as he continued to speak.

"I should know better than to ever say that to you. I acted terribly and pushed you away when you wanted to make up. Nothing can excuse that... So-"

His voice cracked. OJ took a deep breath and spoke softly, his voice slightly wavering, "I hope we can be friends again... I'm sorry..."

Bomb stared at OJ. His face was full of shame, guilt and regret. It's been months since they had spoken to each others in a positive manner. Right now, nothing felt more important than to make up with OJ right now. So Bomb answered softly.

"I-I-I would love that..."

OJ smiled brightly at him and quickly embraced Bomb tightly, making Bomb blush at the sudden gesture. OJ was never the one to do physical affection, especially hugs. Making up with Bomb must mean a lot to him. Bomb blushed harder at the thought and hugged OJ back, sighing softly. He had missed this. He missed OJ so dearly. Bomb's ecstatic that they're friends again.

"I've missed this... I've missed you..."

OJ whispered, resting his head on Bomb's shoulder. Bomb blushed, as much as he liked being close with OJ, another second of this might make him explode.

"Uhh... O-O-OJ... Y-Y-You have a-a-a race to finish.I w-would hate to b-be the reason y-y-you lost."

"Oh! You're right! I completely forgot... Sorry, i kinda got.. carried away..."

OJ let go of Bomb and he immediately regretted piping up. He already missed the warmth that was quickly fading away. OJ blushed softly, "I just missed you a lot..."

Bomb and OJ blushed at each others and then OJ grabbed Bomb's hand, "Well, I gotta take you back then."

He'd completely forgot that he was supposed to bring Bomb into the basket. OJ led Bomb in the direction of the basket, still holding Bomb's hand. Bomb peered at their interlocked hands and bit the inside of his lip. Usually he's all for physical affection, but it's been so long since Bomb and OJ had touched and a lot of emotions where running high. He was starting to worry if his hands were getting sweaty and started to panic a bit internally.

"You know... Y-You don't have t-to hold m-m-my hand.."

OJ didn't respond. Did he not hear him? Bomb was about to speak up again until OJ suddenly squeezed his hand tightly. Bomb turned bright red as his heart raced. He stared at the back of OJ's head and saw a slight tint of pink on OJ's ears. Bomb blushed and looked down as he trailed after OJ.

He was going to replay this moment in his dreams for eternity.

Finally they reached back to the baskets. Nickel only made a huff in acknowledgement as OJ helped Bomb into the basket. "T-T-Thanks..." OJ rubbed his arm, "No problem..." Awkward silence. Bomb felt like saying a million things to OJ, but he had a race to finish. What is something he could say that can reassure OJ that everything's completely cool and doesn't make him look like a pinning fool?


OJ turned his head to face Bomb. Bomb hesitated, fidgeting with his fingers as he spoke, "I-I-I'm rooting f-for you OJ..."

OJ stared at Bomb, not uttering a word.


Bomb felt like disappearing on the spot as he blushed in embarrassment. Did his ecstasy of rekindling with OJ cause him to say something extremely embarrassing? OJ probably thinks that Bomb is a bumbling love sick fool. Bomb quickly looked away from OJ as he internally screamed at himself, Why did I say that? Now I look like an idiot-

Bomb then felt a hand on his shoulder. Before he could turn around, OJ moved forward and kissed Bomb on the cheek.

Bomb left like he was going to explode right there on the spot. He felt his whole body freeze as he felt OJ's soft lips on his blushing cheek. Though it only lasted seconds, to Bomb, it felt like time had entirely stopped as he held his breath and his heart was running a marathon to the moon and back. OJ then pulled back and before Bomb could even start to breath normally again, a scarlet OJ turned his heel and high tailed out of the area.


Bomb held his cheek as he watched OJ's silhouette turn smaller and smaller, his blush stil visible from afar. For once, Bomb was completely flabbergasted, blushing, trying to process what happened. When this race was over, he had a lot of things to say to OJ.

While Bomb stood there dumbfounded, trying to think of the right words to say after he sees OJ again, he didn't notice another person there. Nickel, who had witnessed everything, was incredibly annoyed at the disgustingly soft and sickeningly sweet PDA he had just witnessed.

"Are you serious?"


This fic is coming to an end soon, thank you to everyone who have been reading ths from the start! I'm so happy that so many people enjoyed this silly fic i decided to do!

Don't worry, I will make more fics, but probably not a long one like this one again but who knows?

(Also are these titles too sappy and weird???)

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