I Think It's More Than Platonic

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Bomb and OJ never talked about what happened that day in OJ's room. The sunlight spilling into the room, the smell of citrus, the quite chirps of the birds outside the window, the hum of the game's soundtrack, thier hands intertwined, foreheads pressed together, the sparkle in each others eyes. It was too much for either of them to process, such a intimate moment that would surely shaken their long friendship. Both had so many things to say, but the fear of losing each others overpowered their questions and denied themselves answers. OJ and Bomb would go about their days, trying to move past what happened, but the memory was burned into their minds.

Bomb was in his room, day dreaming again.  He replayed every second of that day in his mind, at breakfast, lunch, dinner, baths, watering his plants, every second was filled with thoughts about OJ. If he and OJ had gotten a millimeter closer that day, just a smidgen, they would of... Bomb blushed and cringed in his bed.

Why am I even thinking about this? he pondered as he cover his scarlet face with his blanket, I shouldn't be thinking about kissing my friend... But, I kinda want too... Is that, so weird? 

A sudden knock snapped Bomb out of his head as he looked up to see Bomby and Bom at his door. Bomb stared at them with a confused expression.

"W-W-What do y-you want?"

"We're here to snap you our of your delusions and make you finally realize that you have an massively annoying crush on OJ." Bom sighed as he rolled his eyes.  Bomb bushed at him, mouth agape and eyes wide.

"Don't give us that look Bomb. You're in the state of denial right now but, seriously, you're like a puppy in love. Bom and I just want you to stop suppressing your feelings." Bomby explained gently as he walked over to Bomb's bed and sat next to Bomb. "I'm sure you were day dreaming about him again right?"

Bomb blushed bright red and stared at the ground. He didn't even have to look up to know what kind of look Bom and Bomby were giving him right now.

"I-I-I-I don't l-l-like-"

"HUSH!" Bomby pressed a finger to Bomb's lip, interrupting him mid sentence. "Don't even try to deny it."

Bom sat at Bomb's empty chair near his desk, "Do you get fluttery feelings when you see or think of OJ?"

Bomb thought about it. Bomb did think that OJ is very pretty. A lot of people at school thought that too. OJ has such beautiful, bright, long orange hair that reminded him of the sunset. His beauty mark  under his eye and the faint freckles on OJ's face made it look like he had stars on his face. Oh and those eyes. Those lovely, kind, emerald eyes. So full of thought and fondness, mesmerizing, enchanting. Oh how Bomb could stare into those eyes forever if he could. He did feel pretty shy whenever OJ would smile at him or look at him. Frankly, every moment with OJ felt like he was on cloud nine. The way he would call out his name... It felt like he was flying. Bomb found himself imaging himself and OJ together. His hand on top of OJ's. Gently holding his cheek. He wanted to pull OJ close, have their foreheads touch again, feeling his breath on his own, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat. Just a smidgen closer would make his world spin, bringing OJ closer to him, and then maybe they could-  Bomb blushed at himself and then looked up to see Bom and Bomby making a face.

The "oh my gosh, you are an idiot in love" look.


"Oh you little lover boy... I pity thee..." Bom sighed as he shook his head while Bomby cackled loudly.

"Y-Y-You guys d-don't know a-a-a-anything!!"

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