Summer Days and Scary Movies

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- Bomby, Bomb(TDOS) and Bomb(II) are cousins
- OJ doesn't get scared easily but Bomb is easily scared
- I'm calling Bomb(TDOS) as Bomb to not get them mixed up


It was finally summer vacation! School is over (for now), the clear, blue skies were back, and the warm weather Bomb absolutely loved was back. But another thing he absolutely loved is that now OJ can come over to his house! They've been talking about it for a while but OJ was never able to come over because of his after school lessons and OJ always seemed uncomfortable with Bomb coming to his house because of his parents. Now is the chance to have a little play date. He told OJ to come over at 1PM so they can have some lunch together and watch some scary movies since OJ never seen one yet. Bomb was in the middle of cleaning his room until his cousin, Bomby peeked in.

"Whatcha doing Bomb?"

"C-C-Cleaning my room! Don't b-bother me!"

Bomby stared at Bomb. "You're cleaning your room? ... Are you bringing your girlfriend over?"

Bomb shot a nasty look at Bomby, "Ewww! G-G-Gross! I-I-I'm just h-having a friend o-over!"

"Oooooh... OJ right? The one you keep talking about?"

Bomb blushed. Ever since he met OJ, he talked about him to his cousins and grandparents all the time. He never met such a wonderful person like OJ before. OJ sometimes would talk to him without signing but never urged Bomb to speak. He always appreciated how OJ was always looking out for his comfort.If he was being totally honest, being with OJ made him feel happier, much happier than when he's talking about plants which is a lot. Bomby took notice of Bomb's embarrassment, and smirked.

"Well, this OJ guy is a good influence on you! I've never seen you so excited for a person who isn't family."

Bomb chucked a sock at Bomby as he ran away laughing. He was right though, he never usually cleans his room but for OJ, he wanted to make it look nice even though he was sure that OJ wouldn't have minded. He checked his phone for the time and it was 12:45. Bomb then shoved the rest of his stuff under his bed and raced downstairs and plopped himself in front of the front door. He wanted to be able to open the door for OJ the moment he rang the door bell, so he sat there patiently. Then someone tapped him on the shoulder

"Why are you sitting at the front door? Do you have a package coming in or something?"

Bomb looked up to see his other cousin, Bom.

"I-I-I'm waiting for O-O-OJ!"

"Oh, you did say that you were going to have a friend over." Bom thought for a bit, "Say, you've known him for a while, have you like, talk talked to him yet?"

That thought had crossed his mind a couple times. OJ and Bomb have been friends for a really long time, but he was still afraid that his voice would scare OJ away. He knew that OJ would probably never do that but the doubts in Bomb's head seemed louder than his own logic. What if he spoke and OJ, finds him weird? What if he finds him stupid like all those other kids before? The thought of OJ not liking his voice made him scared and insecure. Bom noticed the change of expression in Bomb's face and put a comforting hand on Bomb's shoulder.

"Hey, if you're not comfortable with it yet, don't worry about it. I'm sure he'll understand. He seems like a really nice guy."

Bomb thought for a moment and then nodded his head. Bom smiled and gave Bomb a playful nudge.

"Don't get too rowdy alright?" Bom then leaves, leaving Bomb to wait on his own again.

It was now 12:50 and ten minutes felt like forever. Bomb kept fidgeting around and pondered about getting up and getting himself a snack until the doorbell rang. He immediately jumped up and swung the door opened before the bell stopped ringing. He nearly hit OJ in the face when he opened the door with such gusto.

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