A Silent Conversation

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- OJ and Test Tube are cousins
- OJ is half Asian (I'm totally not projecting on him lols)


OJ was always pushed aside by his parents for his cousin, Test Tube. Test Tube is a very gifted child, she was very intelligent for her age, getting academic rewards constantly and winning many prizes. His parents always preferred her over him, it was no secert to anyone. OJ was academically gifted, but nowhere near Test Tube’s level. He really does try though.While Test Tube was naturally gifted, OJ worked hard to have his parents look his way, to maybe one day just to say to him “that’s amazing son!” or “I’m so proud of you OJ!” But everytime he tried, he was met with,

“Test Tube did better than that! Why can’t you be more like her?” or “Not now OJ, your cousin is going to another award. When are you going to bring our family an award OJ? Second place is first loser.”

It was always "Test Tube did that", "Test Tube did this," but what about OJ? He felt forgotten, there were even days where his parents would completely forget to pick him up at school because they were at Test Tube's school, watching her win more awards. He didn’t hold it against his cousin though, since she was always kind to him whenever they met. She was always humble and tried to cheer OJ up, complimenting his work and acknowledged his efforts.

"Golly OJ! That's amazing!!" she would say whenever OJ talked about his second and third place awards awards. She would always give him a supportive pat on the back whenever she visited, hw always appericated it.

OJ got along with her fine, and he always apperciated her kindness and support. But a small part of him, the worst part of him, hated her for being better without even trying. He worked so hard, studied for hours, cried for hours, to get better for his parents but he gets nothing from them but they always had love and affection for Test Tube. It was like he was invisible to them, As and A-s weren't enough for them. They always looked at him as if he were useless, disappointed that their only child and son, coudn't be better or even come close to his cousin. He just wanted them to be proud of him, just once would be enough. But it doesn't seem like it will ever happen.

OJ sighed as he found himself a nice spot under a tree, sat down. He never liked the others kids in his class, they only wanted to be around him so they can cheat off his answers for tests. Settling down under the tree and letting the breeze brush his face gently, he cracked his book open. “American Sign Language: 101,” he found sign language interesting, he didn’t have to speak but could communicate. OJ never really liked speaking much, he was quite shy actually. That’s why he didn’t have many friends, he never really had the courage to talk, nor really the time since he was so busy studying. Today was one of those days, as he sat quietly under the tree and started to polish up on his sign language until-


OJ jumped and looked up to see a boy stumble out of the tree and slam his face into the ground. The boy held his face and tears were forming in his eyes, Oj saw a bit of blood coming out of his nose. The boy with dreads then looked up at OJ, and their eyes locked onto each other. The boy then turned bright red to OJ’s surprise. Then he saw that the boy didn’t notice that his nose was bleeding, so he quickly dug into his pocket and handed him his handkerchief. The brown eyed boy stared at him, and then hesitantly took the kerchief and slowly wiped his nose.
They both just kinda sat there in complete silence. OJ wasn’t sure what to do, or what to even say to a boy who fell face first from a tree. Heck, what do you even say to a boy who randomly fell out of a tree? Does he ask what he was doing there? Why did he fall out of the tree? Why was he even in that tree in the first place?

While OJ was pondering the whys, he noticed that the boy was staring at him. When their eyes met, the boy's face flushed and he looked away. OJ blinked at him a bit confused, but before he could say anything the boy suddenly signed at him.

"Do you sign?..."

OJ looked at him baffled. He never thought that someone his age knew how to sign. His mind was racing and he lifted his hands as well.

"I do..."

They both stared at each others in shocked silence. Then the brown eyed boy suddenly started signing up a storm.




The boy was signing so fast and excitedly, OJ's head was spinning trying to catch up to him. The boy must of noticed that OJ was being overwhelmed and blushed in embrassment. He signed much slower this time, but still very happy and excited looking.

"Sorry! I just got really excited. I never met someone who could sign before."

OJ smiled softly. "It's okay, I never met someone who could sign either. Why do you sign?"

The boy fronwed a bit, and hesitated for a beat, but he signed carefully, "I actually have a pretty bad stutter... I don't really like speaking because everyone makes fun of my voice."

The boy hung his head low, he looked like he was about to cry. OJ felt great sympathy for this boy, he seemed lonely, like himself. He must of felt so alone, so left out, just because he was different, not like how everyone wanted him to be... He wanted to comfort this boy, but he wasn't sure how. After a couple of seconds, OJ shuffled closer to the boy and placed his hand over the boy's and patted it gently. The boy looked up at OJ, his brown eyes wide with shock as they stared into OJ's green eyes. OJ smiled comfortingly at him.

The boy blushed a bit, and then signed to OJ, "So... Why do you sign?"

"I sign becuase I wanted to learn it. I don't like talking much either."

The boy smiled at him. OJ felt a bit good about himself, helping this boy that fell out of a tree feel better. the next thing they both knew, they started signing to each others about everything. They talked about their favorite shows, their passions and hobbies. OJ learned that the boy really likes plants and gardening, he knew a lot about plants that OJ didn't know about. Their silent conversation flowed so naturally, that they didn't even realize that recess was over. The whistle made them both jump as they saw the kids gathering back to their classes.

"Oh, I guess we have to go then. What class are you in?" OJ signed at the boy.

"I'm in class 2-C! What about you?"

"I'm in class 2-A."

The boy's eyes widened. "Wow! That's the smart class! You must be really smart! Well, I guess that's obvious, because you know sign language and you're super cool!"

The boy smiled at OJ, his dimple peeked out. OJ blushed a bit, that was the first time someone else that wasn't Test Tube gave him a genuine compliment. He felt himself become shy and signed shyly, "Thank you..."

They then both started to walk towrds the crowd to get back to class until the boy suddenly stopped. OJ looked at him confused, wondering why he stopped all the sudden.

"I never got your name! What's your name?" he signed.

OJ took a moment to realize that they spent so much time signing to each others but they never exchanged names at all.A bit embrassed, OJ signed,

"I'm Orange Juice. But you can just call me OJ."

"OJ... I like that name!" the boy signed, smiling ear to ear. OJ blushed again. Then the boy signed at him, "I'm Bomb!"

"It's nice to meet you Bomb." OJ smiled at him. They both stand there, smiling a bit awkwardly, as the crowd starts to go to their classes. OJ was about to turn around and leave to get to his class until Bomb suddenly hugged him tightly.

OJ gasped in surprise from the sudden hug, he wasn't used to physical contact since it was nonexistent in his household. OJ wasn't sure how to react besides blushing bright red in embrassment, until Bomb lets go of OJ, smiling at him brightly, his eyes glistening with excitment and fondness. Bomb then signed at him excitedly.

"Thanks for talking to me OJ! I'll see you tomorrow!"

Then he ran off to catch up with his classmates, smiling so bright, it was blinding. OJ just stood there in shock. Then he smiled gently, and waved at the boy who waved back.

OJ only wanted to study and be left alone, but maybe it was nicer to have someone to talk too. OJ smiled to himself softly, gripped his book tightly and walked back to his class, holding his head high.

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