I'm Sorry

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Bomb sat quietly with everyone else in the bleachers as the race between Taco and OJ. Though he himself and everyone (besides Pickle) was sitting on OJ's side, Bomb still didn't know how to feel about OJ. On one side, he missed him dearly, on the other side, he felt angry with OJ. Bomb bit the inside of his cheek in frustration. Why must feelings be so complicated?

Bomb and Knife had breifly talked before MePhone let them all out of Idiotic Island.

"So, what are you going to do when you see OJ again?"

"I-I-I don't know..."

Knife sighed in frustration, rubbing his temple, "Again with the 'I don't knows.' You do know what to do. Deep. Down. Inside." Knife jabbed Bomb's chest as he said those words. "Look. Do you hate his guts to the point you want him to explode into shards of glass?"

Bomb looked at Knife, flabbergasted. "N-N-No! I just-"

" 'I just don't know how to feel about that stupid ginger because of what he said but I feel badly about what I said to him because I know he has his own trauma about feeling useless and I hit his face when he insulted me for my stutter so I'm in the state of wanting to never speak to him again and wanting to kiss and makeup.' "

Bomb just stared at Knife, mouth agape. Knife sighed for the millionth time, "Good thing I was born with silver hair or else you would of given me grey hairs... Listen, I get you feel that way about OJ since you two were basically all over each others and were really fricken close and you two hurt each others but, you two gotta talk to each others again. To just, bring closure or something."

Bomb repeated what Knife said to him over and over again in his head. Does OJ even want to make up with him? He's a sensible guy, but it would be hard to forgive someone for slapping your face and shoving you to the ground. The situation he was in sucked because they both were in the wrong for how they reacted. Bomb groaned as he put his head in his hands, but he perked up to a familiar voice.

"Now the final challenge is what I like to call the master challenge!"

MePhone started to explain to everyone about how this "master challenge" was to go through every single challenge ever. Bomb kinda zoned out what MePhone was saying and focused on OJ, who seemed to be standing very still. Bomb knew OJ very well, he usually stands very rigid when he's nervous. But he seemed, more off than usual. OJ seemed to look pale and his usual emerald eyes that was full of determination and curiosity, was replaced with a worn with dark circles around his eyes as if OJ hadn't slept in a while. His eyes seemed puffy and swollen as well, as if he cried for hours. Suddenly OJ's eyes flickered towards Bomb's. Their eyes made contact for a split second until they both simultaneously looked away. Bomb felt guilt creep towards him again. He had caused those tears. But so has OJ to him. It was such a complicated standing they were both in.

How do they even attempt to talk to each others?

"Let's not waste any time! You guys ready?"

OJ seemed to snap back into suppressing everything again and tried to smile at Taco, "Good luck Taco!"

Taco only laughed, but it didn't feel like her usual cheerful and nonsensical laugh. It felt a little bit more sinister...


And just like that Taco bolted with a speed that took everyone aback. OJ stod there stunned for a bit until chasing after Taco as well. Everyone was cheering, as they watched both of the finalists' silhouettes disappear slowly. Bomb stood still in his seat, he wanted OJ to win, but he mostly wanted to be able to talk to him again like before. Well, like before probably would not happen given the fight between them, but still, Bomb just wanted to hear OJ talk about pandas again. While Bomb reminisced about all the times he and OJ would talk, someone tapped him on the shoulder. It was MePhone with Nickel in tow, grinning brightly.

"Okay Bomb! You and Nickel and coming with me to help out with one of their challenges!"

Bomb blinked at him, "Wha-"

Before he could say anything else, MePhone dragged Bomb out of his seat and took him and an aggravated Nickel out to one of the obstacle courses where there were two big brown baskets. The basket said "Put contestant in bin, then you can move on to challenge 15."

Oh no.

"So you two are going to be chased by either Taco or OJ and they have to put you in this bin! After that, you two can come back!"

Bomb felt his stomach turn, "U-U-Uhh...I don't w-w-want to-"

"Nickel! Taco will try to catch you and Bomb! OJ will try to get you okay? Okay! Thanks for volunteering you guys!"

MePhone immediately turned his heel and bolted straight out of there, Nickel yelling out sarcastically, "Oh yeah! We're realllyyyyyyy excited to do this."

Bomb started sweating bullets, he wanted to talk to OJ but not in this way. What does he even do? When OJ gets here, do they just talk right there? In front of Nickel? Or go somewhere else to talk? Does OJ even want to talk? What if he just chases him, puts Bomb in the bin and then leaves? All these questions made Bomb's head spin and he started to feel a bit nauseous until some footsteps brought him back to reality. Taco reached them and OJ was nowhere in sight.

"Oh uhh... Try to catch me and put me in this bin."

Awkward silence.


"You know what?" Nickel stepped inside the bin, "No worries..."


Bomb watched as Taco sprinted forward to the next challenge. OJ was never the athletic type but Taco was sure letting him eat her dust. Then, not even a couple seconds later, Bomb heard some huffing. Bomb turned to see that OJ made it to challenge 14, out of breath but still here. He glanced up to see the bins and Nickel spoke.

"Uhm, catch Bomb and put him in the bin"

OJ and Bomb locked eyes.


"Bomb I-"

Then Bomb ran away from OJ as fast as he could. He didn't even know why but Bomb wanted to run as far away from OJ as he possibly could. OJ stood there in stunned silence until Nickel coughed very loudly and snapped OJ back to sprint towards Bomb's direction. Bomb was very fast, considering he was the most athletic out of the two. He zipped and bolted around every nook and cranny.

Why am I running away from OJ? Bomb pondered as he sprinted. He knew why though. Bomb was scared that OJ would never want to make up again. The fear of reliving that desert challenge again was the reason why his legs kept going even though they were aching in pain.


Bomb heard OJ shout from behind him. He wanted to stop and turn around to hug OJ once more but Bomb was so scared of reliving those painful moments again. Bomb kept going at break neck speed as he heard OJ's footsteps behind him. Suddenly his rhythm went off.


Bomb instinctively spun around to face OJ and say that OJ had slipped and fell on his face. Dirt and grass was on his knees and face as OJ wiped a bit of blood from his nose from teh impact. Bomb hesitated. He wanted to help OJ up but, the overwhelming fear of being rejected was strong. He couldn't go through that gai. Bomb never wanted to feel like he was that little kid in the tree ever again. He took a step back and turned to run away from the dread and-

"Please wait..."

Bomb stopped dead in his tracks. He turned slowly to see OJ, his face glistening with tears.

"I'm sorry."


I should sleep now but bombjay will become real soon

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