"Would you have saved me?" She asked, scanning the card.

"In a heartbeat." Getting my card back, I tuck it back into my wallet and back into my pocket.

"I'll have to remember that." She flirted with me a bit more as I waited for the order. Once it was all done, I packed all the cups into the rolling chest I brought with me and with a wave to my new friend, dragged it out the door.

I made my way through the lobby of our building. Stopping first at security and the information desk to pass off their drinks. Going up, one flight at a time, I passed out coffee and tea, all the way up to Cade's office where I placed a chai tea on Martha's desk and a black coffee on Cade's.

Heading back to my office, I rolled the empty cooler to the corner and went back out, setting the orange pekoe on Raelyn's desk. I headed down the hall and found I beat Madeline in, set her tea on her desk.

Without a worry, I whistled my way back to my office and took a seat behind my desk ready to get to work. Raelyn was already at her desk busy on the phone. She waved to me when I passed, then brought in a stack of messages for me and a quiet thank you for her tea. She isn't used to people being nice to her. That has to change.

When the knock came on my opened door, I looked up half expecting Cade and was surprised to find Madeline furious once again with me. What the hell did I do this time? She stomped over to my desk and set her tea on my desk.

"Good morning to you too. What? You didn't like it or you want more? I don't do refills. If you want more, it's from the coffee shop around the corner on Broadway and thirty fourth." She looks like she didn't like it. It's exactly what she said she drinks.

"Apparently, I didn't make myself clear. I don't date my coworkers or my bosses." She growls.

I must need more caffeine because I'm not following her. "I don't remember asking you for a date. I brought you tea just like I did everyone else in the office this morning. I'm not hitting on you. I'm not trying to make a move on you. It wasn't a big deal, Madeline. It's a fricking cup of tea!" She really likes to read into things.

Turning the cup around, I see the writing on the cup. Lifting the cup up, I take a moment to read the note in the pretty scrolled handwriting and the obvious phone number below it. Ha! The eyelash chick gave me her number!

It wasn't the right time to laugh. I can look back and realize that now. But at the moment, it was funny as hell. If Madeline had an ounce of a sense of humor I would have been happy to tell her about it. Things being what they are, I didn't see the point.

"That's what happened! I wasn't hitting on her! I didn't step over the line and I didn't ask her out! You were abundantly clear that any and all employees are off limits to me." I explained my case to Cade and Grandma.

"I believe it's Madeline who owes Sawyer the apology this time." Grandma got to her feet and patted my shoulder. "I'm cooking dinner tonight. I expect both of you to be home for dinner. Please let Harper know, Sawyer. Cade, I want Callie and Derrick to bring Ash and the baby. I want a full table. And I want to talk to Callie."

"Yes, ma'am. I'll take care of it." He sounds like he just got his ass chewed.

"Sawyer, walk me out will you." Georgia waited by the door for me to join her. For the first time, Georgia used the private elevator. That was my first clue something was wrong.

We got into the metal box and waited for the door to close before Georgia spoke. "I think you're onto something. Somewhere down the line this company has failed its employees. We need to find out where and fix it. I want you to do that, Sawyer. It's a big project and it's going to take you off some of the things I know Cade wants you to do but this is a priority. Will you do it?"

The End Game  book 3 of The Bradford Series Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora