Chapter 11: God Damn It Tom!

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When I woke up Bill waan't around, I got dressed quickly and ran downstairs just to see him holding phone in his hand, biting his nails and speed-walking around the house. He saw me and put his phone down, Georg was sitting by the kitchen counter with his hands on his head.

Bill came up to me and hugged me tightly, I noticed that Tom wasn't here.

"What is going on and where is Tom?" I pulled away from Bill and kept my hands on his chest as he put his hands around my weist.

"He didn't return last night" he said with a worried look on his face.

"That fucker.." I began, Gustav game me a don't make this situation harder for Bill look, but oh well. ".. I am going to find him"

"No, you will stay here" Bill pulled me closer to him.

"Look I can find him, can you trust me?" I asked him with puppy eyes, he was quiet for few seconds then let out a sigh.

"Fuck it, okay, go find him" I jumped and kissed him, I grabbed Bill's keys and ran out of the house.

I sat into car seat and looked up something on my lhone, I looked at Snapchat maps, nothing, then I tried this app called Find my friend, Jackpot! He was at a club, I could get in.

I was driving carefully as I hot anlther notification from the app, he was now at a Motel. Gosh, what am I gonna walk in on; I decided to drive there, I did a few turnings and I found the Motel, it wasn't far from the club, clearly he took a stripper to the Motel.

I got to the reception raging mad, I demanded the key to the room where he was.

"And you are?" the reception lady asked, shewas in her twenties, I knew I could get the key with a spicy story.
"I am his girlfriend and he didn't come home last night so I checked his location and saw that he is staying at this Motel." I said trying to make that story believing, he looked at me in shock, and gave me the key to room where he was staying with some girl named Tasha.

" Hey, when you' re done with him can you tell me what happened" the lady asked as I turned my back.
"If he survives" I chuckled and then went to look for his room.

I was passing by rooms looking at numbers at the key and dokrs, and i finally found it, room 29. I heard a girl screaming and crying, that was a sign that Tom was there, well here I come. I opened the door to see Tom, good thing i didn't see his ding-dong or else I would bleach my eyes on the spot. The girl looked at me and started to scream, I rolled my eyes and reached for Tom's clothes and threw it at him.

"We're going home, get yourself ready and you, I'll call you an Uber" I said as I walked outside and took a smoke. Soon after Tom was outside, shirtless, he took smoke out of my hand, took a puff or few and thew it on the floor, he then put on his shirt.

"You're too young to be smoking" He said as he rested his arm kn my shoulder.

"Mother fucker, we are both 16" I hissed at him.

"Yes, but I'm turning 17" fuck, he was right, I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. I called an Uber for the girl and threw Tom into the passenger seat.

"Wait, you're driving? I might aswel die right now" he said holding his head.
I rolled my eyes at him and turned on the engine, I was driving slowly but mad, I don't know why but I felt jealous of that girl, I am still a pathetic virgin, I always thought that saving myself for the special one was the right thing and smartest, but I just feel like a pathetic scaredy cat.

When we got home I grabbed Tom by his shirt and pulled him imside the house, I was raging mad at him, I let him ho once we we're in his room, I pushed him on his bed, what I didn't expect was him pulling me aswel.

"Leave me alone, mother fucker!" I yelled at him while kicking.

"Let her go, Tom" Bill was standing at the doorframe, he slowly came up to me and hugged me, I knew he was thankful to me for finding his stupid twin brother. I hugged him back, Tom rushed out of the room into his bathroom. Was he jealous or mad because I intorupted him? I looked at Bill he was confused, I stod up and took Bill's hand. We went into his room and layed on the king sized bed.

I jumped onto the bed and Bill layed on top of me, he hugged me and closed his eyes, I could feel his breath on my skin, we we're kissing and making out as I wrapped my legs around his weist. He laughed and kissed, I love him so much, but I am conserned about Tom in same time.

I heard the bell ringing on the front door, I slowly found my way out of Bill's arms and headed downstairs, there I saw Tom with a girl, the same one I saw him with at the motel, a.k.a Tasha.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked raising my voice, and crossing my arms. She gave me a death stare, like I did something to her.

"What? I can't have guests over?" He smirked and leaned his head towards mine.

"She is more of a hooker" I looked at her with a dirty look while looking her up and down, she was really hot and I could smell a bitch.

"What did you just call me?!" She snapped and went towards me with her fist in the air, she wasn't gonna throw a punch, I knew it, she had wrong position, and if she tried it wouldn't hurt me at all, she tried ro scare me and I just looked at her in you serious right now? Look on my face.

"A. Hooker. H-o-o-k-e-r" I spelled it out for here even tho her stupid ass probably doesn't know what it spells.

She went foward po punch me but I grabbed her fist, and punched her in the face. Tom pulled me away and pinned me to the wall. He was holding me by the shoulders and looked at me dead in the eyes.

"What the fuck, Tom?! You are just like Bella! A BACKSTABBING CUNT!" I yelled out of the anger he looked at me with a shock in his eyes, his eyes we're wide open.

"Me..? Backstabber..?" he began as he looked down, I thought he was about to cry. But no, he isn't such a softie, he bursted out laughing and then looked at me dead serious again.

"If I'm a backstabber what are you? Remember, you are dating my brother" he wispered in my ear as he let ho of me letting me stunned, I dropped myself on the floor and started crying, I felt like such a horrible person. Tom actually cared about me and loved me, but I chose Bill over him, I was the firsr gitl he didn't see as a one night stand. He walked away to the girl and checked if she was okay as I looked up into the celling, I everything was blury from my tears.

I went to the room to find Bill looking worried, I looked at him and took some of my clothes, I changed in the bathroom and took my keys, I ran out of the house and drove away, Bill called me several times but I didn't answer, I needed some alone time.

I got over to some park and sat on the bench, I started overthinking about everything, was I the bad person for chosing between them? What if I never chose, what if I wasn't with neither of them, what if I ended up with somebody I knew, like; Mason, Miguel or somebody else.

After some time of thinking I got up and headed towards my car, when suddenly I heard my name called, it was just 2 girls that looked excited to see me, they called me over and laughed.

"Hi, do you need something?" I asked as I came up to them.

"OMG! You're Laura Hawke!" the first one began to scream, I laughed and looked at them.

"Can we get a photo?" the other one asked, I nodded as we took a selfie, we hugged and talked, i signed one of the girl's phonecase.

I walked of as I walked into an alley, it was dark and I could barely see anything except for the other end of it. I started to sped walk trough it. When I reached the end I felt my arm being pulled aside, I was expecting to see Tom or Bill, but no, I saw a girl, she looked raging mad.

"I have an offer for you" she said, holding my body against the wall.

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