Hair | König

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I know that König is a natural enemy in the game, but he's a good guy in most of these chapters.

Ghost, Soap, Me, and König were about to head out for a mission. We were rescuing two 7 year old children. A set of twin girls who were the daughters of the president. They had been taken by terrorists for ransom money. Before we had to head out, I was fixing my mid thigh length hair that was my pride and joy. I had been growing it out for a long time because it made me feel confident and powerful. I french braided it from the top of my head all the way down to the end before tying it off with a rubber band. I then walked out of my room to find Ghost, Soap, and König waiting for me. Ghost spoke when he saw me. His british voice caused my breath to come to a holt. "Took ya long enough." He slipped on his gloves.
I rolled my eyes. "Hey, this hair needs a lot of time and maintenance." I argued, grabbing my braid and flipping it back off my shoulder.
"Are you ever gonna get a haircut?" Soap asked as he checked out his gun. "Maybe, change things up?" His accent ringing in my ears.
"No. For your information, I'm not." I shook my head before glancing at König, my crush. He was a sweet and gentle giant. I started to develop a crush on him a little over a year ago, but I haven't told him. Something tells me he feels the same way, but we've never talked about our feelings in that way towards each other. But we're still very good friends. I've never seen his face, but you don't need to see someone's face to like them for who they are. It's they're personality and König was a great guy. He told me that I could call him King because the way I said König sounded odd to him.
King spoke in English, but he couldn't hide his German accent. "Looks nice. Knallhart." he mumbled, and it meant badass. He has been teaching me how to speak German as I have been helping him with his English.
"Thanks." I smiled at him before he nodded and looked away. He was very shy and I found that adorable about him. His anxiety got the best of him some of the time, but my mother had crippling anxiety, and my father had social anxiety. So, I knew how to handle anxiety attacks. I've even had to help King through a couple of anxiety attacks, and it was in those moments that my crush started to develop for him. I don't know if it was out of sympathy or him being vulnerable or an attachment to that kind of illness. I've started questioning if I loved him because my crush has been this long. But I keep dismissing that idea because he never showed romantic affection towards me. Except for one night when he was drunk, and he told me that he wanted to see me naked. I told him to shut up because he wasn't in the correct state of mind. I tried talking to him about it that next morning, but he panicked and walked away.
"Oy." Ghost announced as he hopped off of the table that he was sitting on. "Let's get this done." Ghost gave Soap a fist bump before marching out with us behind him.

We took a chopper to the location of the mission and dropped in from above. Ghost dropped first, then me, then King, and then Soap. We had our guns ready as we scoped the grounds before splitting into two teams. Ghost and Soap went to the left wing of the enemy base as King and I took the right.
We decided to go as silent as possible not to scare the hostages with gunfire. We even made it into a little competition of who had the better silent kills. I was winning as King and I found ourselves in the security room. There was only one guard and just a couple of cameras on a few single rooms. "I got this." I whispered to the large man next to me before pulling out my knife and sneaking up behind the guard.
Just as the guard had time to see me on the reflection of his computer screen. I held my blade to his throat, pulling him out of the chair with my hand over his forehead. "You won't get away with this!" he said angrily before I slit his throat, and his body dropped to the ground.
"I just might." I added before putting the knife in between my armpit, wiping off the blood, then sliding it back in its holster. "Keep an eye out." I told King before sitting down in the chair and checking the computer to find where the girls in a cell with 2 guards at the door. I spoke on my walkie-talkie. "I got a visual on the twins." I said, staring at the 7 year old girls, sitting in a corner and cuddling each other.
"Copy that. Do whatever means necessary to get them back safely." Said Ghost's voice in my ear. 
"Copy." I said, jumping up from the chair. "Let's go." I mumbled before stepping over the dead guard's body and out into the hallway. We snuck our way through the building before rounding the corner and seeing the guards. "Right there." I whispered harshly, putting my hand on King's chest and pulling him back against the wall. He gasped softly from his back hitting the wall as I kept him pinned to it. It felt funny to be the one holding him by his chest because he is an entire foot and a half taller than me. "How do you want to do this?" I asked, glancing at him.
He thought about it for a second before I could see him get an idea just under his mask. "I'll be back." he whispered. I nodded as he walked back the direction we came before entering a random room. I heard nothing but silence until King's voice came over the walkie-talkie. "I'm on the other side of the hallway. We take them out at same time." he said.
"Copy that." I added before pulling out a throwing knife. I peeked around the corner, and I saw King's head poking up from the other side. I nodded at him, and he nodded back at me. I quickly threw the knife, and he only took one shot before both the guard's bodies dropped to the ground. A light scream came from inside the room, so I rushed to the door, grabbing the guard's keys and opening it. The girls were shaking in the corner. "It's okay." I said softly, getting down on one knee and holding my hands up. "We're here to save you. We're with your dad." I whispered gently, and they both looked at each other. "We're gonna bring you to your daddy." I told them before stepping closer to them.
"Daddy!" The girls yelled together before running into my arms. I hugged them, but the security alarms started going off.
"We've been compromised! Get the kids, and let's go." King shouted as he scanned the hallway.
"Have you got the girls?" Asked Ghost voice over the walkie-talkie.
"Yeah, I have them now." I said into the walkie-talkie.
"Copy, meet you at the chopper." Said Soap
I quickly scooped the twins in my arms. "You keep your eyes on me." I said, looking between the two of them. "Don't you dare look away." I ordered, and they both nodded before I cradled them to my body and ran out of the room. King stayed behind me as we ran through the hallways, trying to avoid guards so the girls wouldn't get shot at or hurt.
When we finally made it outside, we realized that the chopper was in flames and on the ground in front of us. "Up here!" Yelled Ghost from a distance as he was running along the walls. He and Saop were shooting guards.
I ran up the stairs as King was behind me, and we ran until we were cornered. "We've gotta jump!" Soap yelled, looking over the wall that had a 25-foot drop as Ghost and King continued shooting and taking down more guards. 
"Are you kidding me?" I argued, still holding the girls and their faces buried into each side of my neck. "I can't jump with them."
"Fine! Slide down one at a time?" Ghost looked at me as he spoke.
I began to panic. "If we have no choice?.." I said shakely.
"No.." said one of the girls, "I'm afraid of heights." she whimpered, holding me tightly.
"We got you." I whispered to her before handing her to Ghost.
"I gotcha," Soap whispered as I handed the other twin to him. I attached a line to the pillar before Ghost dropped down onto the ground with one twin and Soap was behind him with the other. They made it to the ground safely before I helped King shoot a few more guard's. "Go." I told King, dropping guards like flies. 
"No." he shook his head. "You first." he argued. 
"Go!" I shouted through gritted teeth, and he groaned before getting onto the line and sliding down. The line ended up snapping as King was only a few feet from the ground. He stumbled backward, but he was fine.
"Come on, lass!" Soap yelled, shooting at guards as they started getting closer to me.
"Oh god." I said, stepping up onto the wall before jumping. Just as gravity started taking me down, the end of my braid got caught on something, and my back slammed against the wall. I was dangling, kicking my feet. "Ahh!" I yelled loudly as I grabbed the part of my braid that was closested to my head, trying to ease off the tension, but I could feel and hear my hair being pulled out of my head.
"Shit." King yelled from the ground, staring up at me. The twins hiding behind Soap's legs.
"You've gotta cut it!" Ghost yelled, trying to shoot at the guard that was holding my braid, but he was hiding behind the pillar.
I groaned, frustrated and pulling out my knife. My back began scraping up the wall as a guard was pulling me upward. Since my blade was sharp with jagged edges, it only took a couple of swipes before my hair was cut, and I was free falling to the ground. "Oh, shit!" I yelled, closing my eyes because it looked like I was about to land on my ass. Fortunately, King was right under me, and he caught me, bridal style. "Thanks." I said, patting his chest. I expected him to set me down, but he carried me as Ghost picked up one of the twins, and Soap scooped up the other one into his arms before they all ran into the woods. "I'm gonna borrow this!" I told King before pulling out one of his pistols from the holster and shooting the guards as they tried shooting back at us.
His grip got tighter as we ran into the forest. "Hang on." He whispered, and chills ran down my spine. I tightened my grip on his shoulders before closing my eyes as we had to slide down a steep hill.
"I think we're clear." Ghost stated before he and Soap put down the girls. The kids ran to each other and hugged before looking around. "Um, King. You can…" I stopped when his eyes moved to mine. Time seemed to have stopped as we stared at each other. "You can put me down, now." I whispered nervously.
"Oh right," he gently set me down. "Entschuldigung." he said in german but translated to english. He said excuse me as he scratched the back of his head and stepped back.
Ghost walked a few feet away and called out to Captain Price for a lift. I ruffled my hair, realizing how short I actually cut it. It was now at my shoulders. Damn, all those years of growing out my hair flooded down the drain. "Copy." Ghost said into his walkie-talkie before coming back to us. "We'll have to wait here for a while. We are going to meet Captain in remote area. Not so out in the open." he ordered and started walking, and we all followed them. The twin girls cling to my hips on each side.

We got the twins back to their father, and he cried from seeing his daughters after weeks of fearing they were dead. He thanked us repeatedly, and the girls even gave us all hugs and thank yous before their father took them home.

When we got back to base, I was the first inside. "Woah, your hair." Gaz announced, taking off his own hat for a second and running his other hand over his short hair before putting the hat down.
I gently lifted my hand to get him to stop talking. "I don't… want to talk about it. Please." I demanded as I marched to my room. I slammed the door and walked to my bathroom, throwing off pieces of my gear. I stared at myself in the mirror and groaned. I hated having short hair, I looked like my bitch of a mother. I've always been known for having long beautiful hair since i was a teen. "Disgusting.." I snarled at myself, grabbing the scissors and cutting the uneven parts of my hair with tears streaming down my cheeks. I did my best not to make crying sounds, but I couldn't help but let out a few subs. Once I finished cutting my hair, I threw down the scissors and walked to my bed with my head down. I also made it, taking off the rest of my gear and leaving me in a green tank top and green cargo pants. Until a hard knock on my door stopped me in my tracks. I put my shoes back on and wiped my face, and then I turned my body towards the door, standing perfectly with my hands behind my back. "Come in." I ordered, stone faced. I was relieved to see King opening the door.
My shoulders relaxed from seeing him in gray cargo pants, black combat boots, and a nice fit black t-shirt. I loved it when he wore those shirts. He also just had his mask over his head and face. "Drink?" He asked, shutting the door, and his eyes shifted from one of my shoulders to the other repeatedly.
I exhaled, and he looked into my eyes. "No thanks." I squinted before turning to my desk and plopping down in my rolly chair. "It that all?" I asked, annoyed.
He paused, then nodded. "Ja ja."
I turned to my computer and typed in my password. "You can sit down if you would like to." I exclaimed after a few awkward seconds.
He glanced around and then at my bed. "There?" He pointed.
"Yeah." I responded because I didn't care where he sat. I typed up my report in silence as King sat on my bed and flipped through some of my magazines.
He unknowingly picked up a Victoria's Secret magazine and opened it to the middle page. "Wow. Nice!" he yelped, and his eyes got big.
I looked over, and my face got warm. "Hey!" I laughed, "Put that down." I ordered and got up from my seat.
He quickly evaded me by jumping off my bed and holding the magazine high. "This is hot stuff." he announced and held the magazine above his head as he read it. "Do you have these?" He asked, flipping threw the pages.
I gasped, still laughing. "That is very personal!" I tried reaching for the magazine, but it was no use. "King. I will climb you like a tree if you don't give me the magazine." I grabbed his large arms, trying to pull them down. He chuckled, shaking his head. I scoffed and spoke. "Oh, you think I'm joking!" I quickly walked around to his back side and climbed onto my bed before I jumped on his back like a monkey. "Give it!"
"Waoh!" He leaned forward and extended his hand with the magazine. Grabbing one of my knees with his other hand, like he wanted me on him. I wrapped one arm around his chest and shoulders as my other hand reached for the magazine. "Was ist los, zu kurz?" He asked sarcastically in German. That translated to what's wrong, too short? He then asked in English. "Can't reach?" He teased and wiggled the magazine.
I laughed, then climbed higher up his back so my chest was over his shoulder and pressed against the side of his face. "Give it!" I ordered. "Come on!" I yelled. Before I knew it, King flipped my body up and over his shoulder, and I was on my back in my bed. "Holy hell!" I looked up, and King was upside-down, with his hands on his hips. I smiled at the sight of his figure standing over me.
"Hey there." he chuckled, and I stared up at him. His knees are just inches from the top of my head. He then crouched down and rested his hands on the bed that was on either side of my head. "I knew I could get you to smile again." He said down at me before his eyes turned happy.
I chuckled up at him. "Very funny." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.
"I thought so." He shrugged and stood up, but before he could reopen the magazine. I jumped up, snatching it from his hand, and tossed it in the trash. "Hey!" He whined, and I shook my head, laughing.

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