Big Girl | Ghost and Price

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We just got back from a mission. The guys were in the lounge drinking, but I wanted to go dancing, so I put on a skin-tight, red dress with heels. The dress was a spaghetti strap with a v-neck that showed a lot of cleavage, and it stopped mid thigh. I walked out of my room and found all the guys still sitting in the around with drinks. As soon as I stepped in, I could see Ghost's eyes widened underneath his balaclava. I smirked at him before glancing at the rest of the guys. "How do I look?" I asked as they looked at me, and I could see our Captain spit up a little bit of his drink before swiftly wiping his lips and mustache. "I know, right?" I told him before spinning around, giving them a glimpse of my backside, and I ran my hands down to my hips. "I'm trying to get free drinks tonight." I explained, smiling proudly. Rudy stared through me like a hot knife through butter, and I guess Gaz didn't realize I could see him staring at my boobs.
"You will, with a dress like that." Soap added before taking a drink of his liquor, and his eyes moved up and down my body.
"Good, that's the plan." I said confidently before tossing my hair off my shoulder. "Don't wait up." I said before walking out of the room. I smiled to myself as I walked down the hallway to the exit of our base.
I heard footsteps from behind me, and I assumed some of the guys were watching me, so I steadily swade my hips as I walked. "God help us all." Soap mumbled before I headed out the door.
I almost made it to my car when I heard the door open and close, and then somebody grabbed my forearm. I stopped and looked to realize it was Ghost. "Hey." I said happily. He loosened his hand on my arm, and I held his hand before it could drop to his side. "What's the matter?" I asked, tilting my head cutely.
"Are you sure you should go out by yourself?" He asked worriedly, but his eyes didn't change from intimidation.
"Aww," I muttered, swinging our hands side to sde before tilting my head to the other side. "I'm a big girl. I can handle myself." I assured him before I went to let go of his hand, but he tightened his grip on my fingers. I looked at him with one of my eyebrows up. "Let go, Simon." I told him sternly.
"I don't want you to get hurt." he said confidently, and his eyes softened. His accent made me weak in the knees.
"Are you worried about little old me?" I smiled. "Is it the dress?" I asked him before spinning around, still holding his hand so now his arm was around my waist and my body was close to his.
He stepped away, letting go of my hand before he glanced around. "The dress looks fine, great even." he said, and I blushed. "It's what other men will think that makes me worry." He explained his concerns.
"I'm hoping they'll think they want to buy me a drink." I said, stepping away from him. "Now, if you don't mind." I fixed my hair. "I'm gonna go dance with some drunk strangers." I walked over to my car and got in before driving away.

Time Skip

It had been an hour since I arrived at the bar, and three guys had offered to buy me drinks. I danced with two of them, and I had just taken a shot with the third one before he pulled me out onto the dance floor. He kept his hands on my hips and my backside against his chest. I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, and he kissed my shoulder. "Do you want to get out of here?" He whispered in my ear, and I smiled.
"Just let me go to the bathroom, and we can head out." I said to him before spinning around and resting my hands on his shoulders. "I'll meet you at the front tables." I said loudly over the music to him before he winked at me as he let me go, and I went to the bathroom. I wasn't going home with him. I knew what he wanted, and I didn't want that. I just wanted drinks. So I slipped out of the bar window and made my way through the alley and out into the front before checking the perimeter and making sure he wasn't standing outside. My car was parked in the back, and I happily walked to it before my hips were grabbed, and I was slammed against a wall. "Ow!" I said and looked up at the guy I was dancing with.
"Where do you think you're going?" He yelled, and his eyes were filled with rage.
I sighed, grabbing his biceps. "Look, I didn't have a gentle way to let you down, but I'm not going home with you. I need to get back to my place. My friends are waiting for me." I tried pushing him off.
"Your friends can wait a little longer!" He said, shoving his face towards mine.
But I grabbed his jaw, pushing his head away from me. "Get off me!" I told him before pushing him back.
He stumbled backwards and was clearly a little drunk. "Or what?" he snarled.
"Or I'm gonna kick your ass!" I shouted at him, and he shook his head while chuckling.
"You got nothing on me, bitch." he said, grabbing me by my throat and throwing me to the ground. I scraped my leg, and I swear I broke my wrist, trying to catch my fall. I got up and was ready to fight, but before I could get my fist in the air, he had punched me across the face.
My body hit the ground again before I could hear a struggle. "Don't fucking touch her!" said a thick British accent. I looked up, and it was Ghost who had the man pinned up against the wall by his shirt. The man was significantly shorter than Ghost, so his feet were dangling. Ghost was in his cloth mask, so his eyes and the bridge of his nose were exposed, but he was wearing a hoodie, fingerless gloves, and cargo pants. I will admit that I was relieved to see him.
"You alright, mate?" said another british accent. I looked over, and it was Captain Price with his hand down towards me. He was wearing the same thing as Ghost except for his hat instead of a mask.
"Yeah." I took Price's hand, and he helped me up before he examined my cheek. Which had blood dripping down it. "I'll be fine." I told him before I looked over at Ghost. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked as Price looked at Ghost.
"You honestly think we would let you come here alone?" Ghost argued before dropping the man to the ground and then punching him in the face. "How do you like it?" Ghost yelled before picking him up by the back of his shirt end throwing him away from us. "Get the hell out of here!" He shouted at the guy before the little man looked at me.
"These are my friends." I assured him before he looked at Ghost, terrified.
"Go!" Ghost yelled before the man jumped up and ran off. Ghost looked at me, more worried then angry. "Are you okay?" He asked, stepping over to me and grabbing my chin gently and turning my face to see my cheek. "You're not allowed to go out by yourself anymore, not without an escort." He ordered, he had an angry look in his eyes.
"I don't need a babysitter." I grabbed his hand and pulled it away from my face. "But thank you." I nodded and looked at Price "I appreciate your concern." I admitted, smiling softly at Ghost, who still looked pissed off.
"Let's go." Price said, gently taking my bicep and leading me to my car before Ghost walked in a separate direction.
"Where's he going?" I asked Price as he set me down in the passenger seat, then walked over to the driver's side before getting in. "Soap drove us here. So he's riding with him." Price explained before starting the car, and we drove back to base. I looked at the scrape on my leg, holding my wrist. "Are you sure you are okay?" Price asked, glancing at me as he drove.
"I think I broke my wrist." I admitted, closing my eyes from the pain in my waist as it was starting to swell up.
Price sighed. "I'll take you to sick bay when we get back." He said, and I nodded, breathing shakily.
"Maybe Ghost is right. I shouldn't be going out by myself." I said, looking down at my lap and shaking my head.
"We are just trying to look out for you." he explained, still not looking away from the road.
I sighed and looked up with teary eyes. "I thought, if I joined the army. I wouldn't need protection, but I guess I'm just the same weak little girl that I've always been." I said, looking out the window. The pain for my wrist that I was trying to fight off got the best of me and a couple of tears rolled down my cheeks but I uncupped my wrist and wiped my face.
"You are not weak. Any girl would have gotten worse injuries. We saw it. You were ready to fight." He chuckled, and I glanced at him. "I bet you if you would've gotten your hands on him." he whistled and shook his head. "We wouldn't have needed to be there."
I looked away from him. "Yeah, but I didn't. I couldn't even react fast enough. How am I supposed to survive war if I.. I couldn't even be strong enough to get a drunk guy off of me." I groaned frustratedly.
"Oh, come on. You saved Soap's ass today." Price argued. "He only took that bullet in the arm because you pulled him out of the way. He'd be dead if it wasn't for you." Price said as he drove.
"But that was different." I whined, crossing my leg before glancing down at my wrist.
"Maybe you just stay at the base and drink with us for a while, yeah?..." He suggested, looking over at me since we were stopped at a red light.
"I just wanted to feel sexy for once. I wanted a guy to dance with me and buy me a drink." I admitted shamefully.
"If it makes you feel any better." Price spoke. "We were all talking about you after you left. Rudy had lots to say." He chuckled. "Mostly in spanish."
"Should you be telling me this?" I asked, lifting my eyebrow.
"Probably not." He said, shrugging and continued to drive as I laughed and shook my head.

If you haven't gathered it by now, I'm not very good at writing with accents so I'm sorry if it's not as accurate, and I'm also sorry if the personalities are a little weird in these chapters. But you know, it's a one-shot book, and if you don't like it. You don't have to read it.
I do take requests if you have any ideas. I can also do part 2 to certain chapters if you would like.

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