Crying, screaming and kissing-Newt x reader.

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This isnt really a Newt x reader, I mean, the ending is, but most of the story is just like... Idk I was just warning you that Ist not what I usually writte, is not so romantic but... well enjoy it!

Summary: A little short story in where the only girl in the Glade is going throught a hard time and the guys in the Glade just dont notice and dont really help with the situation, well... maybe someone does. 


I looked at the little mirror that I had in my room and quickly wiped out the few tears that were running down my face. I made sure I looked ok and came out of the homestead.

All of that shit about being always happy and cheering everyone up was getting on my nerves. I mean, I really like helping and cheering up others when they are upset but... but who helps me? Who cheers me up when I'm upset? Who even notices when I'm sad or mad, they have no idea of how a girl acts, how are they supposed to know? and I don't blame them but... Who's going to take care of me while I take care of the others? Let me answer that question for you:

No one...

I was taking a walk before the bonfire because I needed to clear my mind. A few minutes later, I heard some cheering and saw the fire light up -the bonfire had started. I was usually very excited for a bonfire; after all, we only had one once a month; but this time, I was kinda tired, I just wanted to go to my room and fell directly to sleep. That was until certain blonde waved to me telling to come over. Of course I could've told him I just wasn't in the mood to a bonfire and he would have understood, but we are talking about Newt, everyone knows he is my weakness; I nodded at him and started to walk over.

As soon as my foot touched the hard ground from around the bonfire, a few guys, Minho and Frypan included, came to greet me.

— There's our favourite girl! — Minho said standing up from his sitting position between two runners whose names I couldn't remember.

— As the creators have been rude enough to not sent up more girls and decided to leave me alone in this hell-hole, I sure hope I'm your favourite one! — I chuckled at my sarcasm, even though I didn't really find it funny, I didn't want them asking me why I was upset; I'm usually one of the happiest persons here, but today... I just don't feel like being energetic, happy, and less: being on a freaking party.

— Where were you.? We were waiting for you to light up the bonfire but you didn't come—Frypan asked already worrying about me. I loved him, but I really didn't want to talk right now.

I just wanted...

— Yeah, I was just taking a walk, clearing my mind, you know? Now, if you don't mind Imma go find Newt. — I smiled at the two boys and the ones who were behind them waiting to have a minute with me.

I didn't even take four steps and Clint and Jeff were in front of me and started talking while, If I was honest, I wasn't really listening until Clint snapped his fingers in front of me to get my attention.

—Hey, Yn! Are you listening to us? — —What? No, I'm sorry. — — We were asking you If you could work alone in the med-jack hut just for a few days, one of the builders got hurt yesterday working on something and Alby wants us to- —Yeah, yeah, alright. I'll work alone, no problem— I interrupted Jeff wanting to end this conversation as I could feel the headache that was growing on my head —Thanks, Yn, you're the best— And with that they left while I started walking towards...

—Yn! —


I thought before turning around to look at the keeper of the builders. —Yes, Gally...? — I was already tired of this conversation and It hadn't even started.

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