*Kushina turned around and walked out slamming the door hard enough to crack it. Minato sighed and got back to work*

Meanwhile with Naruto

*We see him and Haku walking around the village, both having small but sick smile loving the look of fear people would give them when ever they would see him*

Naruto:so beloved where should be go? Want to have a picnic?

Haku;nah we did that last time, I'm feeling for something more exiting?

*A slow smile started to appear on Naruto's face until it was ear to ear*


*Haku didn't even have to look to know he had that stupid grin on his face and elbowed him making Naruto wince his smile becoming smaller*

Haku:not that you perverted animal, save it for tonight

Naruto:damn. Fine fine hm...how about a fighting date?

Haku:no. After that mission I don't feel like fighting at least not today

Naruto:so no fighting, no sexy fighting, no picnic. Hm..... I got it!


Naruto:trust me, you'll love it. And I'll love hearing that angel soft voice of yours

*A small tint of pink appeared on haku's cheek while his facial expression remained the same. Naruto started leading when he turned the corner and were stopped by a group blocking the way*

Naruto:ah ino Yamanaka tell me dear how's the body? All healed up

*Naruto said with a grin. Ino flinched and snapped her head to Naruto and Haku. Ino and the rest of Konoha 12 all got tense seeing Naruto there. Kiba scowled until he felt a cold tip on his neck*

Haku:if I were you Mutt I would keep your gaze down and away from my beloved

*Kiba growled but look another way being smart enough to know he'll lose a fight with them in his current state. Haku blurred back to Naruto's side*

Naruto:well this has been nice and all but I believe you're all blocking the way

Choji:where are you going?

*Everyone in 12 flinched at the oblivious choji who was just munching on his chips*

Naruto:oh nowhere that's owned by your clan so I wouldn't worry

Choji:what's wrong with my family restaurant there some of the best in Konoha!

Naruto:if you ignore the fact that they would poison the food I would get whenever baachan would take me there? Too much fatty food not enough lean meats

Lee:I agree your family restaurant are not a good option for any Shinobi! Naruto senpai! If your not busy mind fighting me?!

Naruto:maybe tomorrow lee Kun since right now I'm taking my beloved on a date

Lee: yosh!! Such a beautiful sight seeing you enjoy the springs of youth!!

Naruto:im sure you'll find someone to share that youthfulness with you as well my brother I mean look at you! Who wouldn't want someone as amazing as yourself

Lee:Naruto sempai!

Naruto;lee Kun!

Guy off at the distance:lee Naruto!!

Naruto/lee:guy sensei!!

*Naruto winced as Haku slapped him behind the head*

Haku; that's enough last thing I need is for you to run off in to the sunset with those two and leave me alone here

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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