Chapter I

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When I opened my eyes, I was inside a novel.

[The Birth of a Hero].

[The Birth of a Hero] was a novel focused on the adventures of the main character, Choi Han, a high school boy who was transported to a different dimension from Earth, along with the birth of the numerous heroes of the continent.

I became a part of that novel as the Trash Crown Princess from the Count’s family, the family that oversaw the territory where the first village that Choi Han visits is located.

The problem is that Choi Han becomes twisted after that village, and everyone in it, is destroyed by assassins.

The bigger problem is the fact that this stupid trash who I’ve become doesn’t know about what happened in the village and messes with Choi Han, only to get beaten to a pulp.

“…This is going to be a headache.”

I feel like something serious has happened to me.

But it was worth trying to make this my new life.


It's weird.

Have I gone crazy?

Or is this just a nightmare?

Why do I keep hearing the cries of children?


I jerked up from my sleep as the cries ringed in my eyes. The light blinded my eyes to which I closed them. Just then I felt something up my back and I shivered in fright.

"It's fine, your highness. It's just me, Lilian York, your maid."

I looked at the brown haired lady or 'Lilian York' to be exact. My eyes soon fell on the mirror behind her. The mirror had a reflection of a red haired woman was looking back at me.

'I guess, that red haired woman is me.'

"Your Highness Cecilia?"

I stared back at Lilian York who claimed to be my maid who stared back at me.

I have heard that name before.

Your Highness Cecilia. It was a familiar name.

"Cecilia Henituse?"

Lilian York smiled.

"Close enough, your highness. But you're a Crossman now. And you've been one since the last eight years. It seems you have amnesia."

"It seems so....."

"Your Highness, can you name me some of your other servants if you don't mind? It will help jog your memory."


"You mean, Sir Ron Molan, your butler. That's right."

" Beacrox?"

"Yes. Sir Ron's son and your personal chef."

Everything in the room suddenly darkened in front of my eyes. I felt dizziness came over me. I lowered my head into my hands.

"Your Highness, are you hurt? Should I call for the Doctor? Sir Ron!" Lilian rang a bell which was kept the night table beside the bed.

Ron Molan walked into the room and bowed in respect.

Trash Crown Princess From The Count's FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now