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8:34 am
3rd person's POV-

Sleeping peacefully in his bed

When someone knock on the door
*Knock knock*

"FIVE MORE MINUTES!" He yelled still his eyes are closed

"Come on! It's already 8 am!!" Someone yelled back
"Don't make me TELLING this to mother that u ain't waking!"

"Stupid! Calm down... Aight I'm waking up... Jeez" he said as he open and rubs his eyes while the person in the outside of his door that who knocks goes down

Jeez... I was just dreaming something and she ruined it....

He thought, as he stand up and goes to his bathroom..



-hey son, can you tell ur mother that I will be coming home late, cuz there's a lot of meetings to attend

His father texted while his still in the bathroom...

Y'all wondering why Hanzo's father texted him and not his mother? Cuz her mother put her phone in the silence, just telling if ur curious...😅😅

He finally goes out from the bathroom and noticed someone texted him


-hey son, can you tell your mother that I will be coming home late, cuz there's a lot of meetings to attend


He texted back and goes out of his room, seeing his lil bro and sis fighting in the living room

"Woah woah, what are y'all fighting about?" He said, making the two stop fighting

"Mind your own business, u red ass hair!" His brother replied to him

"Dafuq? Can you stop?, and by the way where is mother?"

"In her room.." her sister replied, staring his young brother, like she wants to kill him

"What is she doing in there?"

"I don't know, now... Leave us alone in here, cuz our fight is not done yet"

"Nope I won't" he replied then both of his younger siblings look at him

"You bi-!" Both of them said and attack Hanzo


Now now.. imagine the rest, cuz I'm lazy af to write

10:14 AM
Hanzo's POV-

The two finally stop fighting, and dyrroth goes to his friends house, probably to play some video games, while my sister fanny in here sitting in the couch doing nothing

When an idea came to my mind, going to the mall, to cool her off a bit

"Hey" I said walking to the couch, and she looked at me

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