Let's discuss

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heyyo again! me here back with another banger content (i offer nothing LMAO)

I was just curious. I have no way of measuring how active the Top Wing community is, especially outside of the discord server. I know there are plenty of other places with small TW fanbases too, like on tiktok, youtube, deviantart and a small subset on tumblr. There are tw enjoyers on instagram and twitter too but those very rarely pop up, I feel like.

And let me get a few things off my chest for a moment. I still have interest in this show, it would not be going away for at least another two years or so. But with the lack of new sustenance (content lol, both official and fanworks) my creative drive to make things for this show is low.  Before this I could live off the serotonin I get from just watching the episodes, digging for information about it, compiling them, making theories and headcanons right off my head. But nowadays life is busy and I can't really find the time to dedicate myself for that anymore like I used to. I understand that's probably what most people here are going through nowadays too. Life gets to them, and also eventually they move on and find new things to like.

Partially what still keeps my fixation on this show is because of the OCs and story that I've made within the universe of this show. They may not have direct interaction with the main characters, but the bare bones of the world it has established is enough for me to fill the gaps and create an entirely new realm within the Top Wing universe. Of course, I have barely shared the story here, because:

1. It takes a lot of time and effort to compile and make a coherent writing or explanation of the AU.
2. I'm not sure if people would be interested LMAO, it's 80% about my own things and ideas; cadet team, instructors, island, Top Wing works

I guess it's not the first time this fandom has been more quiet and chill like this lmao, it's fine. Judging by the view count(?) from my recent updates, there's still quite a number that check on it. So I just wanna take this opportunity to say I appreciate y'all, from familiar faces to the newcomers, even the silent reader ones who come back and enjoy checking out this book. :]

Anyway, back to my original point. I just wanted to ask if any of you have a headcanon about the show, or generally just anything you want to talk about!

I guess the thing I miss the most is that feeling of being excited for every single little interaction I get with people in this community :D It's understandable for a show that stopped airing new episodes in 2020 (i think?) to not have that active fandom, especially when it's a simple preschooler show that was never that popular to begin with, and with very little things to add on or talk about.

Some recent things I have shared on the server I didn't share them here. so,,,,, have this one hfsjsj

Text in the image:A HC that I have about TW Academy is that they pay their staff pretty well

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A HC that I have about TW Academy is that they pay their staff pretty well. Like, aside from the big paycheck, they are fully insured, with monthly allowance, good pension plan, privilege in getting scholarships, grants etc. all that money money

The only condition is that you submit your entire life to them and they technically have the rights to every sensitive information about you which they may or may not share with a literal fuckin mafia group

-- ignore that last part that one's just a silly little AU related lore hehe  : )

Yea this is what I mean by my own personal idea etc etc. It's kinda detached from the show while still basing it from the content of the show itself. i know money is almost never implied in the show (buying and selling still exists in there, just very rarely) but it seems reasonable that TW is very well respected and the reason why people are willing to fully be a part of the academy :D

They're still stuff like the Royalty AU, character analysis stuff and and so and so. I don't know if I'll ever be able to do that in the near future.  But for now that is all from me, see ya!

p/s I forgor to add: If you want to watch Season 1 (and some of Season 2) episodes and need a way to find them, do send me a message and I can help you with that! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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