About Ships

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so i didn't plan on making something like this.
but lately i think i've been talking about ships and everytime I do so, I feel like I contradict myself 💀

so let's talk about ships, shall we?

I'm neutral when it comes to shipping in general. It's fiction so people can enjoy what and how they want to, bcuz it's mainly harmless fun

Same goes to shipping in this fandom too. I don't mind it, and sometimes I love the content that people make even if I don't personally ship it :>

▪ don't be a person who goes out of their way to ruin someone's fun.

hating a ship is fine, spreading that hate onto people who like it is not. don't be an ass and let's exist as a peaceful and friendly community

▪ also don't be a person who goes out their way to talk about the ships when the person doesn't want to.

be respectful and don't shove your interests onto others. accept the fact that some people are not interested, dislike it, or maybe outright hate it. people are allowed to have their own preferences and opinions on this.

personally for my art/ stuff, I draw them with a platonic sense in mind. but you can still think of it as ship or something, i don't mind it if it makes you happy. just don't go saying "Oh this is 100% a ship art" or anything like that :v

so what do I ship?

tbh idk.
i prefer the platonic found family trope for the cadets, but I will still be open to any kind of ships. sometimes I like Speedy/Bea, but there's also times when I don't want them to be shipped romantically

fhdjfhsj i used to be a multishipper.
now i realize that my ships are basically just:

▪ fav character #1 x fav character #2
▪ this ship doesn't deserve the hate so I will ship it to spite others
▪ I ship this as a joke (and eventually loving the ship anyway)

ok well I have no taste in ships so I am not the person to be talking about it lmaoo

for official / canon pairings tho, if i think it is unnecessary and has no purpose in the show's storyline, i will probably be annoyed by it even if I originally like the ship :v

tl;dr -
ship what you want and be a decent person 🐧


now that the word chunk is out of the way, have these:

|| y'know, Penny's a really determined and strong-willed character

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|| y'know, Penny's a really determined and strong-willed character. so i think, when she breaks down, it would really have an impact on her wellbeing.

and the person who would understand that, is none other than someone who has gone through the similar struggle.

Swift wouldn't be the best person when it comes to dealing with emotions, because he's a bit awkward on how to react on it.

but when he sees someone close to him in that moment of vulnerability, that reminds him of his own, he wouldn't hesitate to help. sometimes, all that person needs is to know that they're not struggling alone.

sure, Swift knows that the pain would still be there, lingering. He can't take away the pain. but he can make it less burdening, a bit more bearable, to give hope that they will overcome it and feel better.

maybe he wouldn't do or say anything. he'll just be there, if penny needs a hug or someone to pour her feelings out, or when she just needs a comforting silence.

(ah yes, I immediately gave you another block of text 💀)

|| it's usually Brody the one that troubles Rod :v like everytime Rod gets splashed, Brody is the one that caused it lmao

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|| it's usually Brody the one that troubles Rod :v like everytime Rod gets splashed, Brody is the one that caused it lmao

when with Swift, Brody is more responsible like in "Goose on the Loose". but when with Rod, he becomes more careless :v or maybe that's just a one time thing, idk. i guess Brody is kinda a flexible character.

|| i just think their dynamic is so funny jfsjfhdj

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|| i just think their dynamic is so funny jfsjfhdj

(all the above are merely headcanons)


that's all and i probably will disappear again. see ya

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