it's a video!

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mm i forgot to update and its already almost the end of September dang

This is a video of animatic/ meme that I've made before. There's only three things included tho so hhh yea

well, it's more focused on Brody lmao. he fits the random meme humour I guess :v

since this part is short, let's have a lil chat (or not jfhsjsj)

How y'all doing? Good, I hope :> pretty sure the school/ classes have started so things have been busy. yea, hang in there buddy. You got this! ~ (*'▽'*)

I'll probably be less active when October starts, which is a shame because I had planned to atleast finish preparing more stuff. I do have things I'll post, but not all of it are complete.

Here's a list of things I wanted to do at the moment for this book:

1. 'unnecessary' backstory
I've done one for Bea, so now for the rest of the team. This thing is kinda ambitious cuz it's either gonna be in form of writing, comic, writing-comic combo (most likely what I'll do) or video (so far I only plan for 1 video). The main idea is to reflect on the past and how it has affected them in the present, but I might not do something too,, extravagant(?), probably just small scenarios. I don't plan on making it purely angst, but let's see how it will turn out lmao

2. Connecting stories
After the individual backstory, this is more to having a connection between one story to another. For this, it's basically about the first meeting of Rod-Brody lol. There is also something related to the McBat siblings and an OC, but I'll save that for later.

3. Flight school
Yep, this one is focused on Bea-Speedy, maybe including CJay too. Their first meeting, both of their roles in the academy, a traumatic experience (? lmao), how they help each other and how it reflects to them now (present). I have the whole flow figured out, and it's been stuck in my head dammit. tho I need suggestions, whether it's a better idea to publish it all in this book, or make a new one?

4. Other drawings
Just other drawings of this show :v Maybe dumb memes, random 'comics' with the cadets, designing side characters, AUs/ concepts/ headcanons that I find interesting, me overanalyzing a certain detail or making theories bcuz lol brainrot. Maybe in one part, I'll post drawings of other series that I like, which are family friendly of course (a.k.a other kids shows)

5. Practice drawing vehicles/ background
Oh this one, kinda different than others (no characters involved). I want to learn mecha artstyle/ rendering, and building elaborate backgrounds :') so hopefully me drawing related to Top Wing can help give motivation to do so

I guess, there's no rush. I won't have time to work on all those stuff in the near future anyway :v

Aaaand that is all, thanks for reading whatever random crap i talk about lmao. see ya

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