Ch. 3: Alpha Titan

Start from the beginning

Dirt gave way to stone as we made the final stretch. We were halfway when the heavy front doors burst open, and Alpha Titan stormed out. "Stand down!"

The sentinels lowered their weapons and stood back.

Titan rushed forward, taking my hands in his. "Brooke, I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow. What happened?"

I blinked, and my mouth opened, but no sound emerged. I wasn't sure what to say. He acted as if we knew each other well when we'd only met a couple of times, both of which as children. And what did he mean tomorrow? I looked at Mother.

She frowned. "My apologies, Your Grace. We were under the impression we were meant to arrive today."

He didn't acknowledge her. His eyes flicked from my face to the empty path behind us. "Where are your things?"

"Stolen," Mother said, her tone taking on its usual flare for the dramatics. "Valley wolves set upon us, taking everything. They killed our driver. It's a miracle we made it out alive."

Titan shared a look with the sentinels, and whatever silent conversation they had made the two men race off toward the castle. "Let's get you inside," he said, gently leading me forward. "Are you alright? Were you hurt?"

I shook my head.

His jaw twitched, and he nodded. "Good." We were greeted at the door by the castle's senior housemaid. "Rose, call for the doctor, and have Lily prepare clothes and hot baths for the luna and her mother."

She rushed to do his bidding, and he led us through the foyer and into the main sitting area.

"Here—" He helped me sit on one of the five couches available, positioning a cushion behind my back. "—I know you must be shaken, but if I could ask you some questions, it will help me locate the individuals involved."

I nodded. "Of course."

He pulled up a chair and sat in front of me, and Mother took a seat on the opposite end of the couch, folding her hands in her lap.

I swallowed. It was up to me to handle this, and for the first time, I wished Mother would do the talking.

"Tell me everything that happened."

I took a slow breath, but my pulse wouldn't stop racing, and my wolf kept fighting to pull away from his touch. I told him about the tree, the valley wolves, the dress, spitting it out as if it tasted bad.

"They just let you go?" he asked. "And they knew who you were?"

"Yes." Why was he asking like that? Was that odd? I held my breath, sensing by Mother's stiff back that I'd said the wrong thing.

"I believe they knew hurting the luna would be too atrocious a crime to hide from, Your Grace," Mother finally chimed in.

I nodded again, more emphatically this time. "They argued about it." Lie. Lie. Lie. The word repeated in my head, strangely in Mother's voice. "But their leader decided—"

"Leader?" Titan's eyes flashed. "You mean, you saw him?"

My lips closed, my wolf stilled, and awareness prickled the back of my neck. Danger, not to us, but to our mate.

"He wore a cloak, Your Grace," Mother said.

I looked at her. "Yes." My gaze returned to Titan. "He wore a cloak, but I could tell he was my height," I said. "A little frail," I added. "And, once, when he got close to me, I got a glimpse of his hair. It was nearly white."

If Mother had an opinion on my terrible description, she didn't let it show. She nodded. "I was a little surprised he was the leader, Your Grace. A very small man indeed."

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