Two | James

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"You will both be okay. Cut each other some slack" Eldon said as West Eldon and I sat in one of the bar's down town from the studio. We'd been working on this project all week and I can barely get Riley to even say a sentence to me at this point
"Why are we on this topic" I asked making the two of them chuckle 
"Because you're overthinking this whether you want to admit it or not James" West said patting my shoulder heading back towards the bar for another round

"I thought you two were getting back together anyway?" Eldon asked but I shrugged
"that had been the plan, when we broke up I told her I would come and find her after the two years were up" I explained
"But you didn't?" Eldon asked 
"Tour got extended and by the time I got back I figured she had moved on with life and I didn't want to disturb her at all" I confessed 

I may not have been in direct contact with Riley but I saw her posts on socials, I saw Emily's posts about her, even Michelle's. I knew Riley was doing well, she was thriving and she didn't need someone unemployed barely making ends meet coming in to mess up what she had built

"I think that you would find that regardless on your situation James, Riley would have welcomed you back in a heartbeat" Eldon said trying to give a sympathetic smile but I could read through that smile instantly
You messed up

"Look who I found!" West smirked coming over with Michelle, Emily and Riley. The three of them dressed up beautifully for whatever their night held
"What's the occasion ladies" Eldon charmed making Michelle and Emily roll their eyes at him
"We realised we had never brought Riley here in the entire time she's been home" Michelle shrugged
"How long have you been home Riles?" Eldon asked
"As soon as I graduated I came home" Riley said drinking her drink through her straw avoiding my gaze completely

"Where are you all staying now a days? I can't imagine we're all living at home now?" West asked
"I live in our old house. Our parents up and moved" Emily shrugged
"I moved into apartment up town" Michelle answered
"I'm still with my Dad" Eldon said making West and I sniggering knowing that was the case
"I'm on Broad street" Riley said making me glance at her again
"You are?" I asked earning a glance slightly
"Yeah. Have been since I moved back" She shrugged
"Which building?" I asked earning a confused look
"You're giving off a creepy vibe James" Emily said ruffling my hair
"No sorry, I'm on broad street too" I explained earning a nod from Riley

"I'm surprised your mum let you move out" She said making me chuckle
"Trust me it took some persuasion, I still have to go home every Sunday for family dinners" I explained making Riley smile this time

"I'm in the Denner building, 9th floor" She said 
"The building next to me but yet I'd never bumped into you. That's mental" I answered, at this point I had realised everyone around had all disappeared, to where I don't know
But in this moment I didn't care. Riley was actually talking to me 

"You probably don't bump into me because you never would get out of bed before 12pm James" Riley quipped making me roll my eyes
"I'll have you know, I'm usually up by 11 now" I teased back earning a soft giggle from her as she finished her drink

"Do you want another?" I offered, she looked at me then back over to Emily and Michelle who were dancing with the boys on the dance floor
"I don't know, I should probably be heading out" She said sighing 
"Come on Ri, just one drink. It doesn't need to be alcohol" I said making her look at me
"It's just nice talking to you again is all" I said offering her a small smile

"Okay James, one drink" She whispered as the pair of us made our away back to the bar 


"You're telling me Eldon, Eldon of all people, managed to get you all out of a maze? The same Eldon who got lost in a hotel with Hunter?" Riley laughed sipping her drink
That one drink had turned into 3, had turned into 5 
I had no idea at this point where everyone else was but I don't think either of us cared
"I'm telling you he did. We were in that place for what felt like hours Ri" I laughed back making her shake her head
"I can't, I'm sorry I refuse to believe that" she said looking around to see the bar at this point was practically empty

"Where is everyone?" I asked but Riley shrugged before looking at her phone whilst I did the same 

Eldon: Looked like you both were back in your own little bubble, we headed out - make sure you both get home safe please 

West: Jiley comeback in the making I think

"So they've left" Riley sighed finishing the last drag of her drink
"Yeah it would appear so, come on - I'll walk you home" I said, she offered me a small smile
"You don't need to do that James I-" She started
"If it'll make you feel better Ri, I'm heading that way anyway remember?" I reminded her earning a small giggle before Riley nodded finally giving into the idea

 The walk started silent, not the awkward kind that you want to end straight away. It was a comfortable silence for a change

"Can I ask you a question" Riley asked, you could tell she was a little tipsy at this point but I would say she wasn't drunk
"Of course you can Riles" I said offering her a smile as we stood in front of her building
"Are you happy?" She asked, I titled my head slightly 
"What do you mean" 
"Are you happy James?" She reiterated
"In general? Sure? I don't know what you're asking Riley" I said earning a small huff from her 

"I'll see you Monday" she muttered before running into her building without letting me stop her at all

What just happened?

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