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After what felt like an eternity of standing in front of my house, helplessly pondering how on earth I was supposed to track down this elusive omega, I finally decided to voice my frustration to Holden. I mean, it couldn't hurt to ask, right?

"Hey, Holden," I muttered under my breath, glancing around as if expecting some magical answer to appear out of thin air. "Got any brilliant ideas on how to find him?"

Holden's response was swift, his voice echoing in my thoughts. "Why don't we shift?" he suggested. "I've been sensing Ryan's wolf crying out for a while now. Maybe I can lead us to him."

In a way, I guess his suggestion did make a certain kind of sense. If Ryan's wolf was in distress, Holden might be able to sense its presence and guide us to him. I know it was a bit out there, even for my current predicament, but I was pretty much out of options and honestly, at this point, I was willing to try anything. Besides, it was definitely a more productive plan than just aimlessly standing around, scratching my head like a clueless idiot, which was pretty much what I had been doing up until now.

I let out a sigh and nodded, accepting the inevitable truth that I was going to have to face this head-on. With Holden taking the reins, I allowed the transformation to overtake me, embracing the surge of primal power and instincts. In my wolf form, I felt more connected to my senses, more attuned to the world around me.

Holden led the way as we raced through the terrain, the wind whipping past us as we covered ground rapidly. It was both exhilarating and disorienting, the world a blur as we sprinted with purpose.

Finally, we skidded to a stop in front of a house—a house I'd actually seen a few times before but never actually paid much mind to. I stared at it, a strange mix of determination and apprehension churning within me. So, this was where Ryan lived? Alright, time to get this over with. I took another deep breath, mentally preparing myself for whatever awaited me.

With Holden's guidance, I shifted back to human form and made my way to the front door. I transformed my thoughts into actions, raising a trembling hand to ring the doorbell. The door swung open, revealing a young woman standing there, her expression a mix of irritation and confusion.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice dripped with venom, and her glare was unmistakably hostile.

I felt a surge of frustration rise within me. This wasn't my choice, and I definitely didn't want to be thrust into this situation. The weight of my parents' expectations and the traditional norms of our pack were pushing me into a role I hadn't asked for. But for the moment, I had to keep my cool.

Ignoring her hostile gaze, I brushed past her and entered the house. It was a bold move, I admit, but at that point, I had little patience left for pleasantries. I was on a mission to find Ryan and figure out how to navigate this mess.

"How dare you barge into our house like this?" A sharp, angry voice pierced the air.

My instincts kicked in, recognizing the source of the voice. Richard Hayes, one of the pack's formidable warriors. Don't tell me he's that sissy's brother.

"I'm not here for you, I'm here for the omega," I retorted, brushing him aside as if he were an inconsequential obstacle.

"No way are we letting you take Ryan," Richard growled, his eyes flashing with a protective rage that matched his intimidating stance.

"What do you mean you're not letting me take him?" I said, irritation seeping into my voice. This situation was rapidly spiraling out of control.

Ryan's sister, who I'd almost forgotten was still standing there, finally spoke up, her tone dripping with disdain. "You have a trashy reputation, and everyone knows you're a whore. Why would we let Ryan go with you? Mate or not, you don't deserve to even breathe the same air as him."

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