16. New light

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New light

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New light

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞

Not seeing Haerin and Minji for so long, despite being in Jeju for almost two months, felt weird to Doyun. Every year she would spend her whole days with them, mainly sunbathing on the beach or swimming in the fresh water of the sea.

Since she started working though, she had less and less time to spend with them. So whenever they were free, she'd invite them to hang out.

Luckily for Doyun, that day she didn't work as her father allowed her to take some days off because of how hard she'd been working lately. Doyun thanked him with a heartfelt hug, before rushing to call her friends to come. Of course, they didn't hesitate, showing up not even half an hour later.

As the sun's rays hit the sand as straight as an arrow, creating a torrid atmosphere on the beach, most people preferred to dip into the fresh water rather than slowly boil on the beach, so the girls were lucky enough to find a space on the soft sand dunes reserved for the tourists, that Hanbin – under Taeseok's supervision – had picked for them, to avoid any client getting angry because of their stolen umbrella.

"That party must have been a blast." Minji raised her sunglasses from her eyes, referring to the party Doyun told them about as soon as they arrived. Minji removed her damp hair from her face, squinting her eyes as the sun reflected from the bright sand onto her eyes.

Doyun shook her head, gulping loudly as she – once again – pondered on the events at the party and everything that occurred after it, "Don't tell me about it."

Haerin, lying on the opposite lounge chair to the one Minji and Doyun were sitting on, looked towards the latter with a small smile, "And what happened next?"

Her soft voice made Doyun look up from the interesting spot she had found on the ground, a perplexed expression on her visage, "What?"

"With the boy."


Doyun ended up explaining that too, the following events at the party, that sleepless night, her reconciliation with Hanbin, and that day at the hideout with Jake, taking away another half hour from their afternoon. The girls didn't mind though, finding that way more interesting than swimming in the ice-cold water not far from their small corner, listening carefully and gasping when Doyun mentioned something particularly juicy.

Once Doyun concluded her story, both Minji and Haerin's eyes were shot open, not expecting something like that to happen to their friend, "Doyun, are you serious?"

"Shut up, Haerin!"

"Who is the boy?" Minji asked, scanning the beach for someone who could resemble the dark brown-haired boy Doyun had talked so much about, "Is he here? Do you have a picture? C'mon, show him to us, Yun!"

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