10. Down memory lane

Start from the beginning

Jake nodded, as Doyun continued, "I grew up on the beach, going there every day after school just to play in the water and forget about everything. Moving to Seoul wasn't exactly easy, but I got used to it eventually." She shrugged, "After all, I come back here every Summer, even though it's not the same as living here."

She looked up at him once again, meeting his eyes as he was watching her, "Sorry for rambling."

"Don't be," He assured her, "I know what it's like to grow up away from home."

"You do?"

He nodded his head, "I was raised in Australia, but I moved to Incheon when I was about 10 years old."

Doyun's eyes widened, "I didn't know you were from Australia." Jake's smile widened at her interest, "I never told you."

The two kept walking, cracking some conversations from time to time. The small road they'd been walking on finally led them to the first buildings of the village. The lanes were small and narrow and the buildings were painted with a shade of washed-off white, welcoming them in a cozy and inviting place.

The small windows were adorned with blue shutters and the rooftop's shingles were vivid red, contrasting with the cream buildings. The front doors were preceded by colorful doormats, laid down absentmindedly on small steps. Some of the doors were open, pointing out the welcoming atmosphere of the village.

It was Doyun's first time there that year. She never forgot how she felt when she used to run in those lanes, carefreely and cheerfully, her laughs echoing through the streets. She played on the stone path with her dolls, waiting for Ms. So, who lived just across the street from her, to bring her a cookie or any sweet she had made that day.

While walking down the street with Jake, Doyun felt light, as if any preoccupation was now gone from her body and soul, as she relieved her childhood. At that moment, she was letting Jake walk down her memory lane, learning about her without saying a single word.

A small smile grew on her face, hiding something nostalgic in it. Jake noticed her relaxed expression, "You used to live here?"

She turned around, her contagious smile making its way to Jake's lips as well. She nodded, "Yes, just a few streets away from here." A sweet laugh left her lips, "I used to run around the lanes and play hide and seek with Hanbin. I can't even count all the times I fell on the ground and scraped my knees."

"I was a pretty quiet kid," Jake laughed along with her, sharing with her his childhood, "I was always at home, reading and studying."

"Not because I was lonely." He clarified, "I just loved studying. It was kind of a hobby for me, more than a duty."

Doyun's head tilted as her eyebrows raised, "I can't relate to that. I used to run away and hide on the beach because of the exact opposite reason."

As their reminiscing chatters filled the air of the quiet town, they arrived in front of a distinctive-looking building. The white bricks were decorated with vibrant graffiti, illustrating musical notes and peace signs. The door was wide open and a curtain of beige and white beads flowed gently with the wind, hiding the store inside.

A wooden plaque with washed-out writing hung on top of the door, but it wasn't possible to read it. A jazzy tune came from inside the store, making Doyun turn back to face Jake, "We're here."

The two moved the beads from the archway, entering the dimly lit store. It was a small room and the flooding clutter surely made it look even smaller. Vinyl records were displayed in big boxes, divided by artist and genre. Acoustic guitars were hung on the wall and a black and white framed picture showed the owner of the shop along with a famous guitarist native of the town.

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