Doyun looked at them confusedly, switching her gaze to the boys, still unaware of their arrival, and Hanbin. How did they find our place? It was way too secluded for anyone to even notice it, how did they get there?

The youngest of the group finally noticed their presence, stopping the beach ball in his hands after it fell in front of him, splashing his covered abdomen. He looked at the oldest, pointing at the group at the entrance.

Heeseung turned around, meeting their confused looks, "Hi there!" He smiled.

Hanbin fixed the bag hanging on his shoulder, before lifting the shades from his nose and walking towards them, followed by his friends. They all laid their things on the beach, a few meters away from the boys' towels and bags.

"Hi, guys." Hanbin stopped in front of the water, allowing it to wet his feet, "Do you mind if we stay here?"

Jay plopped himself underwater, feeling cold with the fresh breeze hitting his bare back, "Of course not, there's enough space for everyone." He said, running a hand through his wet hair.

Hanbin thanked them, walking back to his friend, where they were already rolling out the towels and laying down on them.

Doyun grabbed Hanbin's arm, pulling him away from the others. "How do they know about this place?" She whispered in his ear, making sure no one would hear.

In fact, Doyun felt weird about that situation. She felt as if her hideout had been exposed, as if it wasn't a secret between her and her friends anymore, all because other people knew about it.

She glanced between Hanbin and the oblivious boys. Hanbin looked at her, "How would I know? I didn't expect it either."

And why is it always them, Doyun thought. Ever since she met them, Doyun always saw them everywhere. It was like a curse.

Hanbin seemed to understand what was going on in the girl's mind, patting her shoulder to comfort her, "Don't worry too much, it's not the end of the world." He smiled fondly at her,

"We can share the beach with them."

Doyun nodded, "You're right." Maybe her behavior was a bit egotistical. It's not like that beach was exclusive to them, anyone could come there and stay there as long as they wanted. Technically, it wasn't even part of the resort, so it really wasn't anyone's.

"Let's go." Hanbin led her to the others.

"Minji, give it back!" Doyun almost fell on the sand when Minji sprinted in front of her, followed by a fuming Sunoo. The girl ran around the beach, holding the sunscreen – the most precious thing in the world for Sunoo – away from the boy. He quickly bent down, panting as he couldn't run anymore, "Minji, if I freaking catch you."

The girl could only bend in two laughing, "We're covered, you don't even need it."

After a good ten-minute rant from Sunoo about why he desperately needed the sunscreen, Minji had finally decided to give it back, as they all sat down on the towels as if the boys just a few meters away from them weren't even there.

They were actually reminded about them, not too long after, when a wet ball landed among them, splashing sand everywhere on their – until then – clean towels. Doyun's sky-blue towel was now a sand mess, as she stared at the ball in front of it. Despite her undying love for the sea, she hated sand going everywhere on her stuff and she could feel her eye starting to twitch at the sight.

She grabbed the ball, looking around. A boy towered over her as he ran towards them, his cheeks flushed a soft pink with embarrassment, "I'm so sorry." Jake ran his fingers through his hair distractedly, "I didn't mean to kick it this hard."

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