He wiped some tears from his eyes, "I'm sorry but I had to see your reaction."

She stood up from the fountain, slamming his shoulders. He composed himself, letting out a long amused sigh. He looked down at her, a playful smirk displayed on his face, "Shall we go?"

Doyun nodded, walking side by side with Hanbin towards the restaurant on the beach. The breeze swayed their light clothes softly, as the sun began to set, leaving red and orange hues dancing in the sky, a faint outline of the moon starting to appear in the firmament.

Doyun's eyes traveled above her, admiring the beautiful sky. Seoul's sky was never that vivid, the smog cloud made it look more faded and the colors were only vivid in Doyun's imagination, thinking about Jeju. Finally being able to see them again was almost magical to the girl.

As they descended the hill toward the restaurant, two girls standing in front of the entrance caught their attention. Especially, Doyun's attention.

One of the girls had long, straight, jet-black hair, carefully tied up in a ponytail, while the other had soft dirty blonde waves, which were left untied, resting on her shoulders.

They both turned around at the same time, wide smiles were visible on their faces as they recognized the girl walking next to Hanbin.

Doyun gasped, "Minji! Haerin!" She ran towards her friends, embracing them in a tight hug. The two chuckled, patting the girl's back. Minji, the black-haired girl, smiled at her, "We missed you too, Doyun."

Minji was the same age as Hanbin, while Haerin was the same age as Doyun. They were locals, meaning they were born and raised in Jeju. They weren't guests at the Resort, but years back, when Doyun had met them in the city center, she had insisted with her dad that they'd get free entry whenever they wanted, to spend time with her.

After a lot of refusals from Taeseok, he had eventually given in, fulfilling his daughter's request. She finally had someone to invite to spend her free days, whether that meant sunbathing all day long on the beach, strolling around the Resort, or playing golf in the designated area.

They always found something to do.

Hanbin finally reached them, as he waved his hands in the air, "Surprise!"

Doyun turned to face him, an interrogated expression displayed on her face, "What do you mean?"

"They're having dinner with us." He said with an obvious tone, as Doyun's eyes widened.

The four of them entered the restaurant, taking a seat at the table Hanbin had reserved for them on the terrace. They sat down, admiring the scenery around them: the waves slamming against the shore, the sun slowly hiding behind the horizon and the fairy lights shining above them.

"Where is Hanni?" Doyun suddenly asked, gaining the three's attention.

Haerin, who was sitting in front of her, replied first, "She is still working."

Unlike Haerin and Minji, Hanni was employed in the Resort, like Hanbin. Despite not being Korean, Hanni had lived most of her life in Jeju, making her a local as well.

Like Jungwon, she spent her summer holidays working, trying to earn some money. She had also just concluded High School and her next goal was to move to Seoul to start University. Her parents, the strictest parents Doyun had ever known, didn't agree to pay the whole tuition for Uni, agreeing with the idea that Hanni should start to work for herself.

That's why, for the last couple of summer holidays, she had started working for her dear friend's father. She enjoyed the beach, so why not work at a Resort?

✓ HYPE BOY 𖥻 심재윤Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ