Augustine vampires

Start from the beginning

He was in pain and he told us what he saw as he growled.

Me, Enzo and Caroline got to a hospital and sat down.

I sat next to Caroline and Enzo sat on the other side of Caroline.

"So the receptionist doesn't know Tom (Stefan's doppelgänger) personally but I compelled her to call someone who does" Caroline said.

Enzo stared at Caroline and I looked at him confused and Caroline noticed that he was staring so she took up a newspaper and sighed.

"okay I give up. I can't tell if you're avoiding the mission or me" Enzo said

"why can't it be both?"

"Because I've earned some company after hand delivering the antidote to keep Damon and Elena from consuming each other literally"

"it doesn't mean I trust you, I still don't understand why you're even here"

"Damon's trying to be a good boy these days which means I'm in a need of a new murder buddy"

Caroline glared at him

"I'm joking. A joke. British humor"

Caroline rolled her eyes and Enzo grabbed another newspaper.

"So this is fun"

Caroline glared at me too

"yea it's fun isn't it?" Enzo said

"no it's not, we're going to kill someone. Why don't we change subject"

"good what?" I said

"how you and Enzo met"

"not a good idea" I said

"why not? I'll tell you. I was in Augustine and Tara came and got to be the cell next to me. So we got to be friends and she had to leave without me"

"that's all? No details or anything?"

"No it's not" i said

"so tell me"

"so I was Enzo's cell friend and one day I tried to escape so I yelled at the experiment man so he came to my cell and I took all my strength to grab him and drages him to the grate so he hit his head and I took his keys to open my cell and then I walked to Enzo's cell to open but the Augustine man took a syringe with vervain in my body so I got weak and he took me into my cell again. So another time I did kind of the same but Enzo wanted me to leave to save myself so I turned my humanity switch off and ran out"

"Oh really? But why did you turn it off to leave this man?" Caroline said and Enzo rolled his eyes

"because I- I liked him"

"liked him?"

"More then friends"

Caroline looked surprised


"Because I don't know I just fell for him. Can we stop talk about this now".

Enzo looked at me with sad and happy eyes at the same time.

"Enzo did you like Tara?"

"Yes- yes I did, I liked her very much. And that's why I had to let go but it was years ago"

"not that long ago" I said

"we never got to kill the man, I hate that man Grayson" Enzo said madly

"wait Grayson?"

"Yes Elenas dad. He did terrible things to us and every experiment I asked him things and we talked. That's when he told me he has a daughter Elena and his wife was pregnant" I said

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