"I'll go with that too!" You both said your orders and before Kirishima could pull out his money, you immediately slammed the appropriate amount on the counter, surprising the manly boy when he realised that you had paid for the crepes already.

"What the–[Last Name]-san!! Why'd you pay for me too?! That's so not manly of me to let a girl pay!" You just gave him a silly smile, "Oh, come on! It's only fair I pay for us, since I've been busy and not really spending much time with you... Think of it as an apology!"

"It's not like I haven't been busy either! We've both been busy, so don't apologise!" He cried out, making you giggle as you nodded.

"Alright, alright... You can pay next time, okay?" Giving him a wink, the red head blushed a color similar to his hair when he suddenly recalled Kaminari's words.

Is this a date?

Kirishima didn't know how an outing was considered a date, but the idea of going on a date with you didn't make him uncomfortable.

So for now, he's okay with whatever you label this as.

As you took your crepes from the lady at the shop, you thanked her before you guys sat down at the many chairs the shop had placed nearby so you both could enjoy the crepe.

As soon as you took a bite, a happy smile broke out on your lips, "It's so good!" You squealed and Kirishima had a proud look on his face, "I'm so glad that we got to go here today, it's nice for a break from school! Hero Training really is tiring, even if it's really manly..."

You nodded immediately in agreement, "There's no doubt about that! Anyways, how's your mother? I remember you told me that you wanted to learn a few recipes from her..."

"She's doing well! And... well, I haven't really gotten the time to learn any new recipes from her. The last time I learned something from her was when she taught me how to make the most perfect tempura!"

Fully immersed in the conversation, you fascinated yourself with what he was saying, "Woah! I know how to make tempura but not as perfect as the restaurants, can your mom do that?" He seemed really happy to be talking about his mother to you.

"Yeah!!" Fervently nodding, the red head continued, "She says that the batter needs to be of perfect consistency, and the trick lies in using the the flour as a glue to hold the batter in place! She says I've already mastered it all!"

"Do you think you can teach me some time?" He almost seemed like he was about to burst from sheer happiness from your question.

"Of course!! I'll bring some to school so you can taste it, then I'll tell you all the tricks!"

For the entire time you guys enjoyed your crepes, both of you had a pleasant conversation. Even after you were done with crepes, you guys decided to just talk aimlessly. After a while, it ended up getting a bit dark so Kirishima insisted on walking you back, saying that, "It wouldn't be manly of me if I let a girl walk back home by herself, especially at this hour!"

So you just accepted, having more time to chat with each other this way. Finally, you bid him goodbye at the doorsteps of your house and the day ended with both of you happy.

But not before Kirishima texting you.

Kirishima Eijirou

Kirishima Eijirou

Goodnight, [Last Name]-san!!

I had a really fun time today

Let's hang out again sometime

after the Parents' Day!


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