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Jisoo's pov:

Nothing seem to interest me again, i feel like this is where i would fall back to when i was cold. But i couldn't i had promise to not do it.

Sunday, monday , tuesday and today was already wednesday. How did i survive all these days?
I barely ate some food during these days and sleep was something i was running from.

Usually the world uses sleep as an escapism from their problems.
Me? I wouldn't sleep without having a dream about him so i tried less. I rushed myself to office everyday and had to push myself back home. Work was the only thing that would keep my mind free.

It's been four days since, i got the news. First i was shook, then broke but now on the fourth day to be honest i feel numb. Numb to everything..happiness, sadness, regret. just everything.

Maybe this was how it was meant to end. But this is not a closure. I never said i stopped loving him, and believe me or not, i never will. I might just cherish the little moments we had together and live with it.

I had no souvenirs of him but what i assume was given by him, was a dove necklace, that was around my neck the day we returned to seoul. I don't remember having this nor wore it to bed.
But i didn't really acknowledged it that day as there was much happening around.

When i returned to seoul, i noticed it and i wanted to throw it right away but i didn't have the heart to, so i kept it in a drawer. May this be a reminder of our love.

3rd person pov:

Jisoo returned home, it was usually 10 to 11 o'clock that she'll be back and would try to busy herself even at night. Either she would bring home pending work or if not then she would watch kdrama till morning.

Tonight she was really late. It was already
11:49. almost midnight and she knew the girls would be asleep.

She went straight to the fridge as she entered the house. There they were.. milk. She sat there almost 5 minutes drinking her carton of milk and scrolling down social media which was something very rare for her.

Until she heard a loud thud in her room. She approached the room, in a defensive way.
She entered the room, and couldn't believe her eyes.

The room was mostly dark due to the lack of light but the moonlight from the window was enough to see a silhouette sitting on her single couch.

The silhouette was strangely familiar but she didn't want to believe it. It was impossible of whom she was thinking.
"Hey babygirl!. miss me?"
"Happy 100 days...

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