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3rd person Pov:

"Let's go" jisoo said to the other girls and they nodded. The butler had notified them that they had to be present in the dining room in 10 minutes.

Jisoo had conflicted with her thoughts and she had decided to talk to him about it, she would have told her friends, about what she was thinking, but knowing them they would have not agreed with her.

After leaving their rooms, they got lost in the big mansion while searching for the dinning room. Once they manage their way. They were left stunned to see the dinning table filled with every favourite dishes of the four.

They settled down, when the butler told them Haein would be here any minute. Jisoo was mentally preparing herself and she also made a mental note that she will never ever stutter in front of him again.

Haein pov:

I was late for dinner, i rushed my way to the dinning room. Once i was inside i saw jisoo and her blonde friend rose was sitting on one side while, the longer one lisa and the cat eyed girl innie was sitting on the other.

I smiled at my idea and moved foward, i went and stood right next to rosé and gave her a blank look. She looked at me as if she got the cue.
She quickly changed her seat and went to sit beside jennie on the other side of the table.

Now i was left with jisoo, i could see her getting nervous by the way she was fidgetting her fingers. I was happy to be able to have an effect on her but that's not enough. I sat down and saw the servants waiting for my orders to start serving the food.

I nodded slightly and they obliged to their duties. We were eating in awkward silence, when jisoo started shifting her chair away from me.

From the way she was being i could tell she wanted to say something. I grabbed the back of her chair and pulled her closer to me. Closer than before...

I could feel her freeze on the spot when i leaned forward and took a piece of chicken from her plate.
"Yah! What are you doing?" She said in a high pitched voice.

To be honest i was startled but i managed to look unbothered.
"Eating?"I said nonchalantly.
"Eat you're own, why are you eating mine" she asked with a frustrated look on her face.

"Sir-r, jisoo doesn't like to s-share her c-chicken" rosé said looking at me with a nervous

"I know, that's why i took it" i smirked.
"Now tell me" i looked at her.
"I know you want to say something, now come on".
"I- you said you want me?" She asked again.

"Uhhh that's what i said" i told her
"Well if you want me, why did you have to put my friends into this"
This girl, can she be less caring...

"First of all, they weren't in my plan to say but i thought you would be more comfortable if they would be with you" i look at her curiously.

"No jisoonie, we are not leaving without you" jennie said and lisa nodded frustratingly.
"We've talked about it guys, and i want ya'll to be safe" she said tilting her head.
Gosh, she's cute..

"The girls are staying jisoo" i said coldly.
"Call me haein, roseanne" i said looking her while she nodded softly.
"Haein, how do you know my name and jisoonie" rose asked

"I know all of your names and address and everything. I don't know if jisoo remembers but i saw her last year when my car had an accident into a street light pole. She was there that's when i first saw her and fell for her" I replied.

"You were in that accident? Did you have a concussion" jisoo asked.
"No, why, are you worried?" I smiled while lisa was giggling.

No, because i think you hit your head, you seem crazy, you've abducted us while we were on our vacation, who does that?" i was surprise to see her talk so openly to me.

"You are still on vacation, it's just that you will be with me". I replied
She looked at me angrily and stuffed her mouth with chicken.

I could see lisa had already adjusted and rosé was trying, while jennie just sat there quite maybe i would have to try harder. If her friends are on my side, there's no way she will reject me right?

"Okay, if you're done you may have a look around the mansion and unpack you're suitcases that were abducted with you" i smiled, gaining a groan from her.
"I'll be back in two hours" i turned my head to assure her but it seems like she wasn't bothered.With that i left.

*time skip 2 hrs later

3rd person pov:

"Unnie, i think i left my hairdryer in lisa's suitcase wait i'll be back"
With that jennie left the room, while jisoo was taking a bath. She surely heard her but did not bother to reply. She was allowing the hot water to fall on her body and let her muscles relax.

Today was too much for her to take in.
She was still confused, why would a mafia gang leader fall in love with her, does he even love her or is just saying so to have her. She was done with the shower.

She came out of the bathroom while trying to dry her hair with her towel when she was pulled by her arms.
She squinted her eyes shut to brace the impact, but she fell on someone's lap.

Slowly she opened her eyes and saw haein looking at her intently. There face were so close, their nose were almost touching. She tried to get up, but haein grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"What are you doing, babygirl?" He said looking at jisoo's lips.
"Can you please leave!" Jisoo replied.
"You are feisty" he chuckled.
Jisoo was amazed by his little laugh but was still not okay with his behaviour.
Haein leaned foward and brushed his nose into the crook of jisoo's neck. Jisoo froze on the sudden skin contact. Haein breathed onto her skin that caused jisoo to have goosebumps.

She had never been so close to any boy before.
He placed a small kiss right on the side of her neck.

Jisoo felt something in her stomach, were they butterflies? She had never felt like that before.
It was weird that her body would react so much to his touch.
He moved his hand from her arms to her hips.

With each small kiss haein was placing on jisoo's neck, she was losing it.
Haein kept their position steady and started to move down to her collar bones. Jisoo suddenly realized what was happening and push herself onto her feet.

She was now fuming. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" she screamed.
Haein stood up but refused to move forward,
"What do you think of me, first you kidnap me, now you are forcing yourself onto me?" ..asked jisoo.

"I- i didn't.. "haein was speaking when jisoo cut him off...
"I don't love you, and you have forced me to be here it will be better if you!"

Haein had no words because he knew he was at fault. But he could not lose her, he needed her.
So he pushed jisoo, her back hitting the wall and he pinned her hand above her head.

"Now list-" In an instant the door opened violently before haein could talk.
It was the girls. They were frozen when they saw the position the couple were in. Jisoo looked at the girls with a pleading look on her face. Lisa stepped forward but stopped when haein motioned his palm to her.

"I will not touch you nor force you to love me, i will give you 100 days.. if during these hundred days you do not fall for me or have feelings of any kind i will let of you and you will never see my face again".
Haein had a determined look on his face, while jisoo was worried that she would be here for a hundred days.

Haein released jisoo and stormed out of the room. Jisoo quickly released the breath that she didn't know she was holding.
Jisoo felt weird at the sudden lost of contact.
Did she wanted more?

100 days |Haesoo|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ