Enchanted: Please Don't Be In Love With Someone Else (3)

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A boisterous thunder bolted the rage of a woman steering in the wildest night as she drove off from a celebratory party. Beyond question, the woman finds herself entertained by the festivity of the night she reluctantly exited, to what degree, because who would not love being adored by the director and colleagues? Oh it was music to her ears.

The woman's displeasure heightened as her phone rang, her lovely wife appearing on it. It should be a majestic night for both of them, yet, she felt otherwise knowing her night has gone into waste. Without easing her temper, she picked up the phone, not betting a sweat putting it on speaker.

"Chaeyoung..," A soothing voice invaded the silence of the night, far different from outside of it. But for the woman, it doesn't help a bit.

With an empty sigh, the woman continues to speak, as if having no choice but to overruns, "Chaeyoung, I'm sorry for ruining your night–,"

"Oh Mina. You're not sorry! You know well it's my damn night! You should've kept yourself until it was done!" Oh Chaeyoung, her distress can't be stopped. As her wife can only nod behind the line, recognizing the prickles of spite words from her wife.

"I know! It was not my intention to lure you out from your trivial, overriding party! For god's sake! Our son is poorly sick! I've been telling you earlier that he started vomiting and–," Mina cannot finish her words as Chaeyoung beat her to it.

With anger lacing through her being, she stepped into acceleration she wouldn't imagine she could against the raging storms before her, "Only if you do your job! That's the only thing you were doing yet persistently failing it!" Chaeyoung foolishly erupted. As she was about to explode more, silence, a deafening silence made her stop.


"Chaeyoung, you should know better." Mina groggily replied, finding it difficult to breathe further.

"Mina. No. It's not..,"

As Mina dropped the phone, she quickly tried running after her but was distracted by the bright yellow light that had been seizing her, unguarded. Before she could decipher, she fell into an abyss of nowhere.



"My love!"

Behind calls, is a chaos of delights as she hears gasping voices inside, as if a life being restored from the depth of waters. Standing still, Chaeyoung welcomes a running figure to her already open arms, genuine smiles plastered on both faces. It was, indeed, for Chaeyoung to embrace a long forgotten abode she can always call hers.

"Mom! Momma's here! I'm going now. Love you!" From all the noises she can't seem to follow, but only hears this extent.

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