Nevertheless [2]

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Chaeyoung rubbed her face while leaning on the table. She sighed, closing her eyes tightly. She doesn't want to look at all the bills in front of her. She listed all the expenses for this month, well, she's running out of money to pay for all of them.

Katsumi's expenses,


Water and electric bill,


Halmonie's salary.

She checked her passbook and all that was left was enough for 2 months and weeks. How come she ended up in this situation? The company she's working for years fired her when the former CEO died and replace by his dumb son. She couldn't stand him belittling her and her team. He fired so many employees and so he fired her.

And now here she was. Unemployed, no work for 5 months now because her stupid former CEO put her on blocklist. Now they will soon starve. And she cried, again. Because she doesn't know where to get the money to pay for all the bills.

She tried finding jobs but all she received was that they would call her. She didn't put her hopes in that. They even moved into a smaller apartment last month so less expense for that but still the remaining money she has cannot cover it anymore.

She dried her tears and pulled out her phone to call Halmonie. "Hello? Is there something wrong, Chaeyoung-ah?"

She bit her lips, tears started to pool her eyes. "H-halmonie..."

"Yes? Is there something wrong? Is Katsumi okay?" The worried voice of her made the tears flow down her eyes.

She shook her head and sniffed. "There's nothing wrong. I-it's know that I haven't found a job and I'm running out of money and I am cutting some expenses..." Chaeyoung ran her fingers through her hair and breathed. "You know how much I am grateful to have you throughout the years of taking care of my daughter. But...I need know.." She whispers the last words.

"I understand, Chaeyoung-ah. But if you need someone to look after her while finding a job, don't hesitate to drop her to my apartment. I will gladly look after her, for free." Chaeyoung chuckled when she heard Halmonie laughed.

"Thank you, Halmonie."

"You're always welcome. You're not a stranger to me. So whatever you're bottling up to herself, just so you know I am here for you. I know you don't have a good relationship with your parents, but I could be your mom."

Chaeyoung cried and Halmonie let her while telling her everything will be fine. "I will give you your salary tomorrow. Thank you, Halmonie."

"Anytime, Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung ended the call and rested her head on the wood table, sighing. She had thought about selling her car and changing into a smaller one. It's enough for her to drive around and drive Katsumi to school. As long as the car is working fine and it's in good condition.

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