12 - All Is Revealed

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December 13th, 2022 4:56am


"Please, NO. Calvin, please! PLEASE-"


December 13th, 2022 3:10am


I walk out into the living room. "Guys." They all look back at me. I fiddle with my fingers nervously and Leon seems to notice because he turns completely towards me, a sort of scared look on his face. "Mei, she's.. she's gone." Leon stands.


"What do you mean she's gone?" Leon asks eagerly.

"She's not in her room and I can't find her anywhere in the lodge."

"Shit." Calvin says.

Leon seems to be in a panic, he's pacing but he stops and says, "Fuck. Why the fuck would she go out there? How could she get past us?"

"She must've snuck out the front." Vanessa says.

"Alright, fuck. Let's.. let's go fucking get her. Fuck." Leon says and I laugh nervously.

"You're joking?" He looks at me. "There's a maniac out there ready to kill the first person they see and you want to go find Mei?" I ask.

Leon nods. "Yes." I scoff. He walks past me and Calvin follows behind him.


"Cal and I are going to go find her. You guys stay here."

"I'm coming too." Cassidy says.

"Yeah, no way I'm letting you guys go alone."

I look down at Vanessa and shake my head. "No. You're going to stay here. With Claire." I say as gentle as I can but I still manage to sound somewhat stern. "I can't let you get hurt." I add.

She huffs but nods. "Fine. I'll stay, just.. be careful." She looks at each of us. "All of you." She looks back up at me and I nod.

"We will." I say. "Lock the door." I turn and follow Calvin and Cassidy out of the lodge and I make sure that Vanessa locks it behind us, which she does. I nod at her and I turn and catch up to the two.


I'm standing in the doorway of the living room, while Claire sits on the couch. It's been about half an hour since the three began their search for Mei. I watch the clock on the wall across the room when Claire suddenly says, "This is so stupid." I look at her. "They're going to get themselves killed." She says.

"They're going to be fine." I say and she huffs out a laugh. I furrow my eyebrows. "If you're so against them leaving, why did you tell them Mei left?" I ask.

"I didn't think they would be stupid enough to go after her, I mean, she's probably already dead by now."

"How could you say that?"

"I'm just saying-"

"Systems unarmed."

"The hell..." I walk over to the security system on the wall and I put in the code.

"What is it?" Claire asks.

I shake my head as I stare at the screen. "Things glitched out."

"Systems armed."

I sigh and turn and walk back towards Claire. "I wish this night would end." She says and I nod.

"Yeah." Is all I say before I look at the clock again. 3:59. I huff and look back at Claire when she speaks.

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