Chapter 12 | For better or for worse

Start from the beginning

"Is this lie true?" asked Rebecca.

"You are the dearest thing to my heart now", John replied, "and I swear before God that this is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

Without a second thought, he took her hand and held it against his heart.

The moment exuded a captivating emotion, almost supernatural.

With his other hand, he gently touched her chin and said:

"Rebecca, I love you, and I don't want to leave without you. I'm facing immense danger, more than you can imagine right now, and even though I already regret asking you this, I would like to face it by your side."

Their eyes and lips slowly drew closer. Miss Wiles gazed into the unpredictable, handsome, and irresistible man's pupils.

A month wasn't enough for her to say she loved him too, but her attachment to him was undeniable.

As he approached her, her heart quickened with an athletic rhythm as rapid as Usain Bolt's speed.

The warmth she felt in her heart consumed her mind: any concern about the moment was rendered trivial, nothing else mattered but John Katika.

Her entire being longed to merge with his, every part of her called out to connect with him, and the more she thought about it, the more the fire in her heart blazed.

Her gut twisted painfully, a witness in its own right to the fact that the man standing before her was unsettling.

Against all odds, logic defied, and human reason challenged, she decided to believe him and let him know.

"I believe you, John, but I ask you to wait a little: I'll leave with you when I know the time is right to be by your side."

"And when will that moment come?" the former COO asked with a heated voice.

Half a second passed before she replied:

"When my heart and my mind come into agreement."

"For you", John said immediately, "I'd be willing to wait until the end of time, even beyond if necessary. I couldn't love anyone else after you, and my lips won't give me the same sensations with another when I do this..."

He kissed her passionately and fiercely, and Rebecca reciprocated with equal, if not greater, fervor.

Everything within them called for love and its opposite.

A struggle and a union were born between them: pushing each other away and coming back with determination, both surrendering to the frenzy of desire.

They blamed each other for rushing towards the depths of the act of flesh.

Swift as lightning, their lips met so forcefully that there were many moments where they might have seriously injured their philtrum.

Philtrum... the name was so evocative and mysterious.

In the language of the land of romance, love, and passion, France, it could refer to a "philtre," from the English word "potion."

Love potions... The symbolism of binding someone through magic, in love's despair or thirst for power.

Rebecca had enchanted John. There were no other reasons to justify the way they fought each other, almost biting their lips, their bodies moving in a frenzied dance.

"Stop", Rebecca finally said as they continued to kiss.

She pushed him away with both hands and shook her face to regain her composure.

Yet, it had no effect. The heat within her continued to intensify, and the temperature in her experience nearly matched that of hell, even though what she felt while kissing John belonged to the realm of pure pleasure.

John pressed on, and this time, Rebecca completely abandoned any struggle against herself, allowing herself to be carried away on a journey around the world, a pleasure reminiscent of a honeymoon.

They weren't married, but the emotions were a thousand times more powerful, more irresistible.

Removing his jacket, tie, and shirt, her lover redoubled his efforts to guide her into the wildest happiness.

In their minds locked away from all other concerns, a fireworks display erupted in a myriad of colors.

Finally, John left Rebecca's lips to move to her neck, causing her to emit a soft moan of delight.

At the same time, he unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her bra.

A detail came to Miss Wiles' mind: the door was closed, but not tightly. She hurried to lock it, making sure no bystander would catch them in their intimacy.

Barely a second later, her senses signaled to her that the happiness provided by John was missing and needed to be fully satisfied.

Leaping into his arms, she devoured his lips once more, her lover's face held in her two trembling hands of joy.

She didn't even realize that, in the moment, John was removing her bra. All she perceived was their lip exchange and the warm breath of her partner against her hands.

Their beings intertwined, Rebecca's legs merging seamlessly with John's hips, delighted by the unexpected turn of his departure from the company.

Every detail of their encounter was palpable: their skins rubbing against each other, even the sensation of the tiniest of their hairs brushing together.

The warmth of her heart was his, and his was hers; their hearts were each other's reciprocal possessions.

She was becoming John Katika, and he was becoming Rebecca Wiles.

A realization clicked in the young secretary's mind, understanding that the man leading her down the intricate path of passion was the one she would follow blindly into the wildest adventures, any persistence in denying her feelings would be mere stubbornness.

No... She wasn't ready to tell him yet.

It didn't matter, she had to focus entirely on the present moment.

The time had come for the two lovebirds to delve into the heart of the matter and surrender to it without alerting the world with their sounds.

KATIKA-Treason is never far away (Part.1)Where stories live. Discover now