Chapter 22 - Too good to be true pt. 2

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Mia's POV

We were at the studio until sundown, which you would think meant we finished the song in question, but truthfully it was a lot of messing around today. For example, Harry making random noises into the microphone instead of singing, obnoxious playing of various random instruments, or Dustin adding ridiculous sound effects where they made absolutely no sense. It was that kind of session, but I didn't mind.

I hadn't said anything to Harry about the song yet, which had been named "Sunflower" for the time being, but it almost felt like I didn't need to. Almost.

"Sunflower, hmm?" I asked with a smirk, leaning up against the side of Harry's car still parked outside of the studio. "What are you? Obsessed with me? I seem to remember you talking about my chapstick in Adore You as well..." I teased, poking his chest.

I was trapped between his arms as he leaned his weight onto the palm of his hands that were resting on each side of me. "What can I say? You inspire me." His voice was soft, but there was a hunger in his eyes as they drifted from mine to my lips and back. "I can't help but write about you..."

"Someone could be watching us right now..." I whispered, focus drifting down to his lips as I bit the inside of my cheek. The parking lot was fairly private, but anything was possible.

He got a little closer, the tip of his nose almost touching mine. "Eh, I don't care, do you?" His forehead was now leaning against mine, his warm minty breath gently hitting my face.

"Not if you don't." I smiled, lifting my chin ever so slightly so his lips were barely brushing against mine. "But we should probably get in the car and head to the restaurant, don't ya think? Kid's already heading there."  It wasn't that I didn't want to go out with everyone to unwind, it was just that being alone with Harry sounded far more enjoyable in this moment.

Harry took a quick glance at our surroundings, "Maybe...but I'd rather just be alone with you." It was like we were connected somehow, feeling the same exact way in this moment. I would be lying if I said I couldn't feel the sexual tension that's been building between us, wondering if he could feel the same, but like the song says, I couldn't want him anymore. My last memory of intimacy, if you could even call it that, was one that I wanted to forget. I wanted Harry to replace the god-awful nightmare I had with something I could dream about.

"How about I come home with you tonight since you've been staying with me so much? I have some stuff there from last time..." I asked, holding his chin between my fingers.

"I would love that-" He smiled, placing his lips gently on mine.

I thought nothing of the sound of a car next to us until the window rolled down. "Alright, lips off my sister lover boy. We have places to be!"

Harry let out a breathy laugh, shaking his head as he turned towards the car that held Dustin, Mitch, and Sarah. "Can't two people have a moment around here?!"

"Yeah, two people can-" Mitch nodded, "Just not the two of you." The grin on his face said it all and I couldn't help but laugh. The protective dynamic duo were back at it again.

I pushed against Harry's chest lightly before pushing my self off of the car so he moved back as well. "Come on, let's go before Mitch hops out of the car and tries to ride with us."

"Not a bad idea!" He acted like he was going to open his door, which made Harry speedily open the passenger door of his own car.

"Hurry!" He laughed, "Get in!!" With another laugh of my own, I hopped into the passenger seat, watching Harry as he patiently waited to make sure I was fully in before closing the door and frantically rushing to the other side. "Whew! That was a close one." He rolled my window down, sticking his tongue out at Mitch who just threw up his middle finger back.

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