Chapter 12 - Strawberry Lipstick

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"Bonjour maman..." I let out a sigh, wishing my mom had picked up her phone. "J'espérais te joindre avant que tu n'ailles au lit. Je voulais juste te faire savior que je vais bien, super en fait. Dustin dit bonjour aussi. Tu me manques beaucoup. J'espère que Paris vous traite bien. Parlez bientôt? Bonne nuit, je t'aime." I hung up the call only to be met with a chin resting on the top of my head from behind me.

(Translation: Hello mama...I was hoping to reach you before you went to bed. I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine, great actually. Dustin says hello too. I miss you a lot. I hope Paris is treating you well. Speak soon? Goodnight, I love you.)

"When were you going to tell me you know french?" Harry muttered into the top of my head before turning me swiftly to where I was facing him. "People say it's the most beautiful language in the world, and I think you just proved that to be a fact."

I playfully pushed against him, the rosiness taking over my cheeks. "Oh stop it..." I laughed lightly before hiding my face in his chest.

"I'm serious!" He chuckled, pulling his body back so I could no longer hide. "I told you, you're full of surprises..."

"My mom is French-" I shrugged. "She taught Dustin and I from basically birth how to speak it and actually lives in Paris now, moved back after I moved out since our dad passed away years ago. I was just trying to catch her before she went to bed. But, enough of that, shouldn't you be in the studio writing music or something?" I jokingly poked his chest as he just looked admiringly down at me.

His arms wound around my waist, pulling me closer. "Mhmmm..." I glanced around the hallway to make sure no one else was around. It wasn't that we were hiding the fact we liked each other from everyone, but we weren't necessarily sharing that information either as we're figuring things out as we go, mainly myself. We hadn't had an actual conversation about how we wanted to act around our friends, it had been a week since the moment we had in the ocean. All I knew was that I was letting myself go with the flow, trying not to overthink and just live. Easier said than done. "I'm just looking for inspiration right now, and tea, but I think you could help me out." He rubbed the back of his neck, the corners of his mouth twisting into a soft smile.

"Really?" I raise my brow. "And how would I do that? Do you need me to show you where the tea is?" I ask, hands resting flat against his chest.

"I've been wanting to do this all day..." Harry brushed my bottom lip gently with his thumb before barely connecting his with my own, just enough to make me crave more. His tongue ran slowly over his bottom lip, "You taste like strawberries..." He whispered breathlessly, kissing my forehead before beginning to walk backwards towards the studio where everyone else was waiting. "That's all I needed-"

"Didn't you want tea too?" I ask, cocking my head to the side as I tugged on my bottom lip with my teeth, the taste of my strawberry chapstick taking over my own tastebuds.

"Right-" He snapped his fingers into a point, chuckling as he stopped in place. "That is correct...yes...I'm gonna go make some tea."

I suppressed a laugh as he brushed past me, heading in the direction of the kitchen for the clearly much needed tea. As I slipped back into the studio I made my way over to where Dustin sat, absorbed in something on his phone.

"Did she answer?" He asked, briefly looking up from whatever he was doing.

I frowned slightly with the shake of my head. "Not this time, probably asleep or at some art gallery knowing her." Dustin chuckled a little, nodding in agreement. "Did I miss anything?"

"Nope, just taking a break while Harry gets tea." I gave a soft nod even though his attention was elsewhere.

"Mia, can I request your help with a melody?" I turned to Mitch who now had his guitar pointed out in my direction. "Please and thank you-"

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