Chapter 20 - Thankful

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A/N - Once again, I'm not fluent in french so if something is super wrong please do not hesitate to correct me!! So sorry if there are a lot of mistakes! Hope you enjoy, it's a longer chapter! :)

Mia's POV

"You look exhausted."

My face was smooshed into my hand as I sat at the kitchen island, Dustin laughing as he put together the usual Thanksgiving breakfast. "What do you mean?" I asked, my eyes barely opening after each blink. "I've never been more awake in my life."

"Can't sleep without your boyfriend now, hmm?"

"Shut up-" I mumbled, even though he may be right. Just like Harry did with everything else, he made sleeping a hell of a lot easier. Last night was one of the worst nights I've had in awhile with my anxiety and of course the first night Harry and I weren't under the same roof. Being on the edge of a panic attack is one of the worst feelings, it's like standing on the edge of a cliff as the rocks slowly crumble under you just waiting for the fall, but last night the fall never came. At one point I wondered if it would have been better to just work through the attack, but it wasn't like I had any control over it.

Dustin's face softened as he turned around from where he stood making the coffee. "Did you have a rough night?" He asked, arms crossing over his chest.

"Kinda....maybe..." I shrugged, "...expected though given what time of year it is and everything. Don't worry about it, I should be asking you if you're okay..." I paused briefly. "Soooo, are you?" As much as Dustin checked on me, I wanted to make sure I was always checking up on him too.

He turned back around to start the next cup of coffee. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just gotta get through the next couple of days. Don't worry about me."

"Good morning-" Mitch appeared behind me before pulling out the stool next to me.

"Morning-" Both Dustin and I spoke up at the same time as he finished piling up french toast onto a plate.

Mitch sent a soft smile towards me as I rested my head on my arms that were crossed on top of the island. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to throw Ben the most epic Thanksgiving day birthday party ever." He nudged his arm against my shoulder, earning a small smile in return even though my cheek was smooshed against my forearm. He was like another son to our parents, so Dustin and I weren't the only ones who felt this day a little differently than everyone else.

"Hell yeah!" Dustin chuckled, sitting the french toast in front of us followed by the peanut butter to spread on top, just how dad liked it.

"Have you talked to mom this morning?" I asked, standing up to help place the rest of the breakfast on the island along with grabbing the creamer for my coffee.

Dustin shook his head lightly as he sat down the bowl of strawberries. "Not on the phone. I tried calling as soon as soon as I woke up but she sent me a text saying she's getting a gallery exhibit ready for this evening, but she's going to do her best to step away at some point and call."

"Probably best she stays busy anyways-" I shrugged, sitting the bacon down before pouring the creamer into my coffee. "She handles everything better that way." The doorbell ringing caught me off guard, but Dustin didn't seem phased. "I thought everybody was coming later for dinner?"

Dustin shrugged, taking a quick swig of his coffee before heading towards the front door. "I'll go see who it is, you guys can start eating."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Mitch said, snatching two pieces of french toast up like they were going to run away.

I let out a small laugh, beginning to make my own plate. I didn't pay any mind to the extra set of footsteps sounding through the hallway along with Dustin's. "Good morning, love." The very familiar British accent whispering in my ear made me almost fall off my stool. His arms quickly wrapped around my waist to avoid the fall, a laugh erupting out of his mouth as I turned slightly to look at him with wide eyes. "Hello!"

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