Chapter 8 - Something about you

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The sun shining through the window brought me out of my slumber, slowly blinking the sleep away as I took in the room around me. For a moment I had forgotten where I was, slight realization hitting me in the face that last night in fact did happen and it wasn't some made up scenario in my mind. My eyes found the clock sitting on the bedside table, displaying 9:07AM in neon numbers. I grabbed my phone which was sitting by the clock, not surprised to see multiple messages along with a low battery.

3:00am Mitchell: Now look who is sneaking around...

My eyes rolled as I clicked through the other messages.

7:40am Dus: Hey, you okay? I noticed you never came home last night
7:41am Dus: And yes, I know you're an adult...but I just wanna make sure everything is okay
7:50am Dus: Let me know if I need to beat Harry's ass

8:30am Sarah: Okay, I've been patiently waiting for you to message me but I couldn't wait any didn't go home last night?! don't worry, we avoided a search party in your behalf
8:44am Sarah: You can tell me it's none of my business, but details will be much appreciated :) hope everything went well, I'll talk to you soon!

I sent back a couple quick messages letting Dustin know that I was in fact alive and that he didn't need to beat anyone's ass, along with one to Sarah letting her know I would talk to her about it later but there wasn't really much to talk about. Was there?

I reluctantly pulled the covers off, getting hit with the breeze from the fan spinning above me which sent chills throughout my body. Trudging my way into the bathroom, I got a good look at myself in the mirror, my body draped in Harry's clothing that still in fact smelled like him. My hair looked like I had sat outside during a tornado, but without a brush there wasn't much I could do, so I pulled it into a knot on the top of my head before brushing my teeth.

My curiosity spiked with how quiet the house sounded, so I quickly pulled my bra on followed by his shirt again before gently opening up the bedroom door. My head poked out in an attempt to listen for any kind of movement, but I was met with nothing but silence. Making my way back to the kitchen from the faint memories of the sped up house tour last night, I began cleaning up the mess we had left to take care of this morning. It was really the least I could do after he had been so accommodating.

I went to my music library and hit shuffle before I began washing the plates and wine glasses, singing along softly as She Lays Down by the 1975 sounded through the speakers. 

"She lays down on a bedroom floor
The chemicals that make her laugh
Don't seem to be working anymore
She tries her best, but it hurts her chest
And even though her sun has gone
She'd like to love her child nevertheless

My hair is brown, she's scared to touch
And she just wants to feel something
And I don't think that's asking for too much
And when I go to sleep it's when she begins to weep

She's appalled by not loving me at all
She wears a frown and dressing gown
When she lays down"

"Good morning-" Harry's voice made me almost jump out of my skin, thankfully after I had finished drying the plate so I didn't shatter anything. My body bent over, hands resting on my knees as I attempted to collect myself from the jump scare. "I'm so sorry..." He laughed lightly, making his way fully into the kitchen.

"No worries..." I stood up, hands falling onto my hips while my eyes landed directly on him. He was leaning his hip against the island, arms crossed over his chest. His cheeks were a little rosy and his hair disheveled, body draped in a hoodie and sweatpants that resembled the ones I was wearing. "Good morning."

Hearts Desire (Harry Styles)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن