chapter. 15

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Viyas Pov.

Gingerbread, the smell of gingerbread, and spice hit my nose as I woke up. couldn't make sense of it until my vision finally focused, and a small silver haired child with red eyes filled with so much wonder hovered over me, already annoyed.

"Tiny person. Who the hell are you?"

I asked, and she gasped like she was surprised that I spoke. Which only raised more questions. 'Where the hell am I?' being the first one. As she backed up, I sat up. Looking around the boring ass, but large room. when I looked back to the little girl, she was by the door opening it.

"Papa. She's finally awake. Come look."

The door opened more, and Shota leaned down and picked her up. Well, I guess I should be grateful it wasn't Kai for once. I'm still not happy to see Shota and my brothers adoptive child.

"Eri... I told you not to come in here without me, remember?"

He said in a soft voice that made me roll my eyes. What a loving father he has become. I can't blame the girl. She was a victim, too.

But damn could I be jealous. Jealouse of a damn seven year old. That sounds about right. Rubbing my head with one hand, I tried to lift the other but met resistance. Looking down their was a handcuff, with a chain long enough it dipped down between the small space between the bed and the wall, back up to a loop, bolted to the wall. Snapping my head back, I glared at Aizawa.

"Really? You know how my quirk works, right? I could vibrate my voice, and the latch would shatter in the matter of a second."

I say pretty proudly.  All that torture Kai had put me through at least I got something out of it. My quirk and second ability were crazy strong.
Aizawa looked unphased but still approached with Eri in hand, sitting down at the edge of the bed. She looked at me with the same curiosity I woke up to, and Aizawas eyes flashed red.

"And you know how mine works. I could get here from any room in this house in seconds. So unless you want to test who is faster. Behave."

If he didn't have that damned scarf, this wouldn't be a competition. That thing was almost like a secondary quirk in itself. Seriously, rude. And then it dawned on me. He said house.

"House? Your house? Why in the f-.....why am I here"

As I was about to curse again, Shotas eyes flash once more. Adjusting his hold on Eri. He didn't speak for a long time. It felt like he wanted me to think about my own question. I sighed and laid back, staring at the ceiling, contemplating what to do. These idiots had to know I'm bound to escape, right?

"Still a child. Get some rest, I'll come get you for lunch here in a few "

I didn't acknowledge Shota as he left until he was gone.  Laying there for what felt like an eternity. I placed my hand on my stomach. The twinge of pain brought the memories back. I could feel the warmth of a single tear running down my face. It wasn't fair. I had to carry this burden on my own. I contemplated not telling Touya when I saw him again. Unsure how he would react. Fuck, I miss him. I wanted nothing more that to hug him right now. We really need to get phones... or something. We shared a cellphone once, but he took it with him on a mission, and he melted it. So we saw no point in having them.

"Hey, Shota told me you were awake."

I didn't answer, I was honestly going to try and force myself back to sleep.  What was the point in being awake. Placing my forearm over my eyes. I tried to ignore my brother until I could feel the bed shift as he sat down. Sighing, I pulled my arm from my face and sat up. The pain made me flinch, I wished this damn wound would just heal so I could forget about what had happened already.

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